RATE or REVIEW The Last Movie You Watched.

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

The Avengers - 9/10

Just awesome. One of those films I could watch a few times in a row and not get bored.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

How I rate movies:

For me, if I can watch a movie over and over again and still enjoy it, it's a 10.

If I enjoy it once but really have no desire to watch it again or have to wait a LONG time before I want to watch it again that's a 9.

7-8 are good movies with flaws and the score varies depending what's wrong with them.

6 is above average.

5 is so-so/average.

4 and below = garbage.

0 is for movies I can't even finish watching because they suck so bad.

Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Thor - 8/10

Love this movie and I can't wait to see the sequel. Thor is probably my favorite among the Avengers.

Will be going to see The Avengers again next week in 2D (they forced us to watch it in crappy reald 3d for the premiere) and hopefully the theater won't be packed with children talking and screaming all the time..

Thor was fantastic! Easily an 8 if not really pushing a 9 for me the more I've seen it over the last year.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Avengers - 9/10

I like long movies and good character interactions but I felt the first act was a bit long and pacing was a bit off until it finally got some steam and just went through the roof. Best Hulk by far when it comes to the books. But I like every other Hulk film too. Ruffalo was good.

And I think most of us saw the end coming with who was pulling the strings but was still great to see him.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Anchorman - 9/10 - Hadn't watched it in a long time. Will Ferrell's one of my favorite actors.

Airplane - 9/10 - Watched this for the first time last night and was cracking up the entire time.

The Innkeepers - 7/10 - Big fan of Ti West, but I didn't really care for the ending to this one. Everything else was pretty decent though.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

The Cold Light of Day - 3/10

worst film have seen in 2012 so far ; very bad acting , hilarious plot and very poor executed action scenes

people who want to see this movie because bruce willis is in it don't bother as he dies after 20 minutes :slap
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

The Avengers

Floppityjillion/10. It was just pure awesome.

Realistic rating: 10/10. Brilliant film. Fantastic comedy, writing action. Everything. I absolutely loved it. Can't wait to see it again.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Just got back from my second viewing of Avengers I liked it a bit more the second time.

9.5/10 :rock
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

The Avengers - 10/10

I was entertained the whole time...A fantastic film. Definetly the best comic book movie in my opinion.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Man Avengers is getting a good score!

Anyways, mission impossible ghost protocol - don't know really, want to like it but I'd give it a 6, maybe not even that. I know it's rated highly but I thought it was a very very poor film. Not a patch on the others IMO. Confusing, or just boring plot and some wtf moments like when the agent at the start jumps off the roof spins round and shoots 2 guys. And cruise drawing an original van gogh on his hand in like 5 seconds. Wtf. The best bit for me was Paula Patton in the green dress :drool: