RATE or REVIEW The Last Movie You Watched.

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

I guess im one of the few people who will give Avengers a 10/10 and the Lord of the Rings a 10/10 but I dont think either of those movies are in the same league. I rate my movies on what they are trying to do and how well they execute it. Does this make any sense? I'm super tired so It probably doesn't :rotfl
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Some of you kids hand out 10's like it's a free piece of candy.

A 10 should be one of the best movies ever made. (but i guess if it's one of the best movies ever made to you have at it)

I dunno, i'm kinda stingy with my 10's i think the only ones that have gotten it from me off my head are...

Empire strikes Back
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Shawshank Redemption

Empire Strikes Back 8/10
Rocky 9/10
Close Encounters of the Third Kind 6/10
Shawshank Redemption 5/10

Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Most films are around a "5" which means average. Doesn't mean it sucked; just means it's an average film. A "6" on my scale is actually a good movie, above average, and one that I'd be sure to watch again.

A "10" is rare, near perfection in the viewer's eyes and a work of art. It's an orgasm x 100 and resonates deep within your soul and probably has some influence on your life. Most 10's occur during a person's childhood because that is usually when we are most influenced.

Any adult that gives The Avengers a 10 is either caught up in the novelty of it all or has a movie scale that is slightly askew. A ten year old giving the Avengers a 10 makes sense. A twenty five year old, not so much.

Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

LOL. If you think every movie is "average" you're a jaded human being.

Very jaded, angry person. I'm sorry. :eek:
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Gone in 60 Seconds (Original not the POS remake) 6/10 Damn good chase scenes.

Iron Man BD 8.5/10

Iron Man 2 BD 7/10
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Agreed. I really get annoyed at the fanboys that say Avengers is a 10. Let's all be honest. It's fantastic. But it is not cinema gold here. :rotfl A 10 is something that should almost not be attainable. Perfection. But that's just my humble opinion.
Agreed totally.

Haywire: 10/10

:lol actually, I would give it a 7 1/2 out of 10

Pretty great movie. Story was decent enough, though it wasn't totally original or anything. But with Soderbergh, it was done a bit better than it would have been done by most other guys. Of course, the best thing about the movie that sets it apart is Carano. She is the ____. I hope she gets a lot more of these kinds of movie roles.

In this movie, she kicks the asses of Magneto, Duke, Obi Wan Kenobi, and Zorro, and you totally believe she would do it.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Alien- 9/10 The first and best Alien film. Can't wait for Prometheus.

The Avengers- 8/10 An awesome superhero film with some hilarious one liners.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Im definitely one of the people that rates movies a little higher than they would be rated by a "movie critic". My ratings are based on my enjoyment of the film and not me trying to truly critique it and pick it apart and find flaws in the piece.

I used to be one to pick everything apart.
Over the past 6-7yrs the combination of finding happiness in my wife and daughter and having an extremely stressful day job allowed me to sit down in the evenings and enjoy a movie for what it is to me. An Entertainment outlet and nothing more. Which is what it is to most as a child and the reason you enjoyed movies more as a child. You're just enjoying the ride and not sitting there looking for and concentrating on what you may perceive as being wrong with the film.

I dont knock those who claim Avengers is a 10. To me that just means they had a blast watching it. When it comes down to it, isn't that simply what we all want to do when watching a movie? Have as much fun as an adult as we did as children?

Those who don't understand why people on a TOY FORUM would rate Avengers as a 10 need to go participate in a true movie critic forum rather than debate it here IMO...... Although I do enjoy rubbernecking at uptight "adults" who seem to forget they're on a forum created for toy and doll collectors....

.. but at the end of the day. I won't deny we're each entitled to our own opinions. Even those with wadded panties...... :monkey1
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

I rate my movies just like school grades.

10 - A+
9 - A
8 - B
7 - C
6 - D
5 - F
4 - Probation
3 - Drop out of school
2 - Kicked out of home
1 - Van down by the river
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

I rate my movies just like school grades.

10 - A+
9 - A
8 - B
7 - C
6 - D
5 - F
4 - Probation
3 - Drop out of school
2 - Kicked out of home
1 - Van down by the river


Very few movies are '10's for me, some of which include:

Godfather I and II
Shawshank Redemption
The Return of The King
Batman Begins

I don't consider any of these to be 'perfect' films though, just the closest to perfect for me personally.