RATE or REVIEW The Last Movie You Watched.

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.


Very few movies are '10's for me, some of which include:

Godfather I and II
Shawshank Redemption
The Return of The King
Batman Begins

I don't consider any of these to be 'perfect' films though, just the closest to perfect for me personally.

Excellent list (minus ROTK)
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Haywire 5/10
Though this movie was on 90 minutes it felt like 3 hours. The ambiance music made it felt slow to watch. There are a lot of big name actors here but even them can't save the movie from boredom.

Hugo 9/10
Very well written story and Sasha Cohen was actually quite good in this movie. Ben Kingsley was superb who played a tired old man with a forgotten past.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Im definitely one of the people that rates movies a little higher than they would be rated by a "movie critic". My ratings are based on my enjoyment of the film and not me trying to truly critique it and pick it apart and find flaws in the piece.

I used to be one to pick everything apart.
Over the past 6-7yrs the combination of finding happiness in my wife and daughter and having an extremely stressful day job allowed me to sit down in the evenings and enjoy a movie for what it is to me. An Entertainment outlet and nothing more. Which is what it is to most as a child and the reason you enjoyed movies more as a child. You're just enjoying the ride and not sitting there looking for and concentrating on what you may perceive as being wrong with the film.

I dont knock those who claim Avengers is a 10. To me that just means they had a blast watching it. When it comes down to it, isn't that simply what we all want to do when watching a movie? Have as much fun as an adult as we did as children?

Those who don't understand why people on a TOY FORUM would rate Avengers as a 10 need to go participate in a true movie critic forum rather than debate it here IMO...... Although I do enjoy rubbernecking at uptight "adults" who seem to forget they're on a forum created for toy and doll collectors....

.. but at the end of the day. I won't deny we're each entitled to our own opinions. Even those with wadded panties...... :monkey1

You're just a well-rounded, pantyless guy, I guess!

Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Yea, not alot of 10s I can think of for me, Cuckoos Nest, 2001, Shining, Goodfellas right off the top of my head.

Batman Begins - 8/10 Great stuff but I am confused about Gordon's line "the narrows is lost." Does he mean Fox is unable to manufacture enough of the antidote or that they are actually evacuating and condemning that area of the city, or simply that it's going to be riddled with crime, because it seems it's already "lost" by the latter's explanation, cops won't even go there according to Flass. But Gordon makes it seem even worse off now and we aren't shown it at all in TDK if I'm not mistaken. I guess what I'm getting at with all that is, is Arkham Asylum even still existant or was it shut down, abandoned, relocated? Wouldn't mind having that cleared up.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

I rate my movies just like school grades.

10 - A+
9 - A
8 - B
7 - C
6 - D
5 - F
4 - Probation
3 - Drop out of school
2 - Kicked out of home
1 - Van down by the river
Personally, I think of 5 as really "average." So, equivalent of a C (even though in most grading systems, there is not a normal distribution of grades). It's not hard for a movie I watch to get a 5 score because of that. Anything I rate over 7 is probably a high "B" at least," but a 9 or 10 would be the handful of truly great movies out there, just like 1 or 2 would be some of the worst (though there are many really really bad movies, and not many really really perfect ones IMO).

I rate a lot of movies higher than 5 here though because I only watch movies that I'm pretty confident are gonna be pretty good or at least worth watching to begin with. If the Rotten Tomatoes score is less than 50%, chances are I'm not gonna watch it, because I don't have all the time in the world, and don't wanna waste it watching mediocre movies.

But as for other folks--rate movies how you want to! It would be pretty silly for me to assume that others had the same, highly refined tastes that I do. So, I don't assume that.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Yea, not alot of 10s I can think of for me, Cuckoos Nest, 2001, Shining, Goodfellas right off the top of my head.

Batman Begins - 8/10 Great stuff but I am confused about Gordon's line "the narrows is lost." Does he mean Fox is unable to manufacture enough of the antidote or that they are actually evacuating and condemning that area of the city, or simply that it's going to be riddled with crime, because it seems it's already "lost" by the latter's explanation, cops won't even go there according to Flass. But Gordon makes it seem even worse off now and we aren't shown it at all in TDK if I'm not mistaken. I guess what I'm getting at with all that is, is Arkham Asylum even still existant or was it shut down, abandoned, relocated? Wouldn't mind having that cleared up.

I'm sure we will get some reference or even some shots of Arkham in TDKR, that should help clear up the situation. But I agree Begins itself doesn't fully explain the situation there - perhaps it didn't mean to
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Captain America -- 8.5/10. Solid outing. Compelling and entertaining. Not in the top tier of superhero movies ... but definitely in that very solid second tier with Iron Man, Spider-man 2, Superman: The Movie, and Batman '89. Too many laser guns, and the villains army was too high-tech looking ... would've been better if they had been using WWII Nazi weapons. Ending was a little weak. Like the suit a lot better than the Avengers one.

Die Another Day -- 5/10. Average, at best. By far the worst of the Brosnan Bond movies ... way behind Goldeneye, Tomorrow Never Dies and World is Not Enough. The plot was absurd. Worst set of Bond Girls in any Brosnan movie. Halle Berry was out-of-place, and her dialogue was ridiculous -- its almost like her and Brosnan weren't even talking to one another ... they were just trading innuendos and one-liners to the point that the conversation had no subject. The other girl was pretty enough, but a complete non-entity. Villain was annoying rather than threatening. And ... there were some terrible visual effects in there -- the plane at the end, Bond surfing on an avalanche, etc.

There were good points, though. The Aston Martin Vanquish was the best car Brosnan drove ... and the car chase toward the end was really good. The henchman -- tall bald asian fella -- was fantastic ... one of the high points of the movie. The capture and torture scene was awesome ... as was the whole "burned" plotline. Cleese was solid as Q. Michael Madsen was good as the NSA director. Liked the swordfight scene in the middle ... not enough swordfights in Bond movies.

Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

The Avengers - 7,5/10

Good movie, but not too solid.
Still better than awful IM2, stupid IH and not perfect Thor.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Avengers 10/10

I got to say this is one of the best movie I've seen in a while. To jam all those characters into one movie must be a huge feat. The best scene (though short) was with Hulk & Loki together. I think his will challenge for the biggest blockbuster ever made. IMO, this is the best Marvel movie ever made.

THe very last scene had a very Transformers vibe to it which is not a bad thing lol. I can't wait to see the next installment of these characters being made.