RATE or REVIEW The Last Movie You Watched.

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

But that's not the movies fault ... :dunno
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

If the movie sucked why'd you give it a 6.5? If it was that horrible wouldn't it qualify for a lower score?

And yes. It's very much a homage to horror movies, and does deconstruct them.

Because the story itself was great, but the movie couldve been much better.:wave

Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Total Recall (1990) - nostalgia goggles?
Had 'em too last month :lol

But still 7,5/10 from me.
Great directing, great score and great effects... but still something is off. Not Arnold, no - he played well.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

I thought about going lower but I just didn't know why I would be doing so. Maybe the fact that I won't feel compelled to watch it again for another 6 months or so?

edit - OK, maybe as compared to my love for The Terminator and T2 it should be lower, 8 or 9.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

I watched the DVD actually. Then I listened to the commentary, recorded in 2001. Arnie was saying how well it held up despite being '10 years old'. 22 years old now.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

I watched the DVD actually. Then I listened to the commentary, recorded in 2001. Arnie was saying how well it held up despite being '10 years old'. 22 years old now.

I think the movie holds up fine. I'm not one of those people that call a movie dated because it's special effects are now old.

It's part of the charm.

Like in Frankenstein, not a huge fan of the flick, but I loved the last half of the movie where they're chasing him through the mountains with that crumbled sky background. You can clearly tell it's a set and backdrop...but that's a part of it's charm.

Not really responding to you, but to those that dismiss the movie now due to it's effects.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

I think the movie holds up fine. I'm not one of those people that call a movie dated because it's special effects are now old.

It's part of the charm.

Like in Frankenstein, not a huge fan of the flick, but I loved the last half of the movie where they're chasing him through the mountains with that crumbled sky background. You can clearly tell it's a set and backdrop...but that's a part of it's charm.

Not really responding to you, but to those that dismiss the movie now due to it's effects.

Indeed. In fact in some cases I prefer the old effects to the new. CGI becomes dated in its own ways that can be more jarring to me than the ways in which, say, the stop-motion ED-209 in Robocop has dated.

I don't think special effects are the only thing some people mean when they talk about a movie being dated though - it can be anything from the tone to political incorrectness and whatnot, cartoony or overly choreographed action or something. Having said that this sort of stuff can also be 'part of the charm' as you said.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

^ If I watched there, its a 5 out of 10. The best moments are cut. :lol

Which begs the question: If you take away graphic violence, nudity and swearing.. how good ARE most films? Because I'm the same way. I might like a movie and give it a 10 (on my modified rating scale) but if I were rating the same movie based on the version seen on regular TV with all that stuff cut out ALL those ratings would drop. Some movies are completely unwatchable like that too. :lol
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Indeed. I know people might say "Well, then you didn't enjoy the movie!"

Not true. Goodfellas is a fantastic film. But watching it on TV kills almost all the impact it had.

Same with Pulp Fiction and other Tarantino flicks.