RATE or REVIEW The Last Movie You Watched.

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Surprised you even went, after comments like "Gee, another 3 hour movie of hobbits walking around" etc. etc. Not surprised at all. I wouldn't bother with the other two either.

You mad cause I didn't care for the mediocre movie? I gave my reasons in the Hobbit movie thread.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

The Watch: 6.5/10

Some funny moments, but other than that a stupid comedy.

for me The Watch was such a waste of time. I really hate the type of humor that Ben Stiller does a lot lately and that is where they will make a joke, and it is funny, but then they will stretch that joke until it just becomes awkward and dull. He does that so much, either that or he starts explaining the joke :thud:
But I have to say the
Alien Creature
was amazing

See, I liked Ted because it wasn't that funny. It had heart too it, and Seth MacFarlane too time to make a story. With a plot. And characters. :lol

I really liked Ted too for the same reasons. plus for me it was really hilarious.
I did hate the kidnappers, that was not needed.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Let the Right One In - 7/10
I liked it, but I like the American remake better. This one was lacking some of the atmosphere that was there in the US one. Still a good watch though.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

I watched TMNT (1990) the other night.

Loved it then - still love it now. Forget the sequels, the first film is gold - really feels like the comic come to life.

If Michael Bay makes an @$$ of a film - we still have the original. :lecture

9 / 10 (I'm a little biased) :rock
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Men in Black 3: 7.5/10
I really enjoyed it. It was fun and breezy and entertaining. But boy did TLJ look old! I don't think he's got another one of these in him.

A couple of things that bothered me:

I didn't like the retcon of K supposedly having a thing for O and vice-versa. Or the source of his dour demeanor. In the first one, the whole basis of his character is that he had a girlfriend that he was going to see before he got sidetracked by the alien encounter which led him to be a founding member of the MIB team. He also carried a torch all those years, which made his character that much more profound and interesting. So are we to believe that he had loved the one girl from his civilian past all those years, while at the same time had his eye on O (not that I would blame him)?

Also, the whole prophecy that Griffin said, "in death there must always be death" or something like that, implying that someone had to die in the confrontation between K and Boris. I assume that originally, since Boris lost his arm and K went on living, that the death was J's father. Then in the alternate reality, since K died and Boris lived, J's father potentially lived. And in the final reality, since K killed Boris, J's father SHOULD have lived. And I think that scenario would have worked nicely as well. So not only did K survive, but J would have had a father growing up and K would possibly be a happier guy.

But other than those holes and inconsistencies, it was thoroughly enjoyable. Close to the first one, which I would rate 8/10.

I skipped #2, but am now tempted to watch it even though everything I've read says that #2 was terrible and #3 blows it out of the water.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Let the Right One In - 7/10
I liked it, but I like the American remake better. This one was lacking some of the atmosphere that was there in the US one. Still a good watch though.

:hi5: I thought I was the only one! I like Let the Right One in a lot, but Let Me In grabbed me more and made me really feel for the characters a lot more. Plus it was gorgeous to look at and I really appreciated the score. I give Let Me In a solid 9/10.