Super Freak
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.
^^^ Yessssss.

^^^ Yessssss.

Taxi Driver - ??/10
I had never seen it before, I know I'm supposed to think this is a classic and thus presumably it must be good....I dunno. Its a bit before my time I think.
Wow dude..Taxi Driver - ??/10
I had never seen it before, I know I'm supposed to think this is a classic and thus presumably it must be good....I dunno. Its a bit before my time I think.
Taxi Driver - ??/10
I had never seen it before, I know I'm supposed to think this is a classic and thus presumably it must be good....I dunno. Its a bit before my time I think.
Taxi Driver is a masterpiece for several reasons, the overall character arc, Deniro's acting etc. But in no way is it's before anyone's time. Like Robocop it's just as relevant today as when it was released. Travis feels lonely in a sea of people, which is only amplified today by overpopulation and electronic devices. He feels like he's helpless against it all and his faith in the government being able to fix it was also misplaced. It does take time to soak in and multiple viewings to really grow on you though I think.
As to not liking it, I can't see how people here wouldn't since it's pretty much a superhero movie, fairly closely mirroring Bruce Wayne's own story.
What is he in the end? Is he a hero? Are we to suppose that he does find peace with society and so on or will he remain unhinged?
Keep in mind fellas that I didn't actually rate it. I just don't really know what to make of it.
Taxi Driver - ??/10
I had never seen it before, I know I'm supposed to think this is a classic and thus presumably it must be good....I dunno. Its a bit before my time I think.