He is far from a hero in my eyes. He is a dangerous, depressed lonely man that needs help asap. He quenched his thirst of wanting to hurt somebody in a clever disguised manner. I think his actions of wanting to help Iris was genuine but it still allowed him to kill Sport and the bouncers. Obviously his first port of call was to kill Senator Palantine but that was foiled by the SS.
Like I say no way is Trav a hero in my eyes, the media didn't know him like us the viewer.
Put it this way I would worry for Iris's family if he did indeed take them up on their offer to stay with them.
Having said that if there were specific clues that nothing had been resolved for this guy by the end of the film, that he hadn't gotten his killing urge out of his system, I either didn't spot them or I'm not interpreting them correctly.
I found myself wondering ''maybe he's done, maybe he was himself surprised at the media reaction to what he'd done, he was content to have gotten away with it all as a hero and from there on decides not to tarnish that''. Thats my own speculation on first viewing and having never really read much about the film.
He's not suppose to be a homicidal psycho character. If that's what you all were expecting, well, no wonder you were disappointed![]()
The Dark Knight Returns part 2 - 10/10
Suck it Dark Knight Rises![]()
If not, he's at least a carrier. He went to assassinate a guy whose blonde chick employee didn't like his date-night-porn-movie.
I don't know what you mean by "carrier" - but if all you took away from it was "assassinate a guy whose blonde chick employee didn't like his date-night-porn-movie"...maybe you should stick to slasher films or something![]()
I could care less about the story of Taxi Driver. I love the film for the way it was made. It's style was legendary. Same goes for Raging Bull. It's a story about a piece of **** essentially but the style and uniqueness of film making is fantastic.
It was a figure of speech. (A 'carrier' is somebody who doesn't show symptoms of a disease, but is still contagious.) If he isn't supposed to be a homicidal psycho, he's close enough.
The point is, he was a homicidal psycho, and he paled in comparison to the truly great homicidal psycho performances ... Chigurh, Lecter, Bateman, Bates, Torrance, Ledger's Joker, Ed Norton in Primal Fear, Kevin Spacey in Se7en, Kathy Bates in Misery, etc.
I expected more.
If you're comparing Travis Bickle to all those others who are truly psycho and sociopaths, again, I don't know what to tell you. The movie isn't for everyone, I can at least understand that...
^^ Good explanation but honestly, there's no point in trying to change his mind...the movie's just over his head. He just wants to see hockey masks and hooters...![]()