Pandorum 7.5/10 enjoyed it quite a bit. Been on a SciFi kick lately so if anyone has any good suggestions throw em my way.
Indeed! You're gonna love it!
Stay away from spoilers and whatever you do don't give up on the show it gets better and better (I've heard some people give up around mid season 2 and early season 3)...
Pandorum 7.5/10 enjoyed it quite a bit. Been on a SciFi kick lately so if anyone has any good suggestions throw em my way.
Oh I could never give up on this show dude. I'm already halfway through season 2. I'm loving every single episode so farThe entire series is on Netflix.
Galaxy of Terror
Big Trouble in Little China - 9.5/10
yes very nice DEPP great as alwaysI was blown away by all the Fear and Loathing references. Fun little movie.
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Batman: The Dark Knight Rises (Part 2) 9/10
Deadwood (Complete series) 9/10 This was probably my third viewing - though it had been awhile since I last saw it.
Still bums me out that it never got a 4th season.
X2 - 10/10
Best comic book team movie ever
The Juggling of all the characters was handled expertly with the comic accurate splitting into teams, has one of the best opening action scenes around and Magneto has one of the best prison breaks on film.
I never really considered X-men a superhero teamup. Technically it is but to me its not exactly the same as Avengers and Justice League.