My in-laws went to see it and were so pissed they snuck into a different movie to feel like they hadn't totally wasted their time and money.
One thing about this thread is I see people throwing 10's around like it's nothing. I think of a 10 as pretty much a perfect movie or at least almost close to it. There's that many perfect movies? I guess it's just I rarely give a ten to something. Actually there is only 3 movies right now off the top of my head that I can give a perfect score to. Hell, it's hard to get a 9 from me but I'm much more apt to give one than a 10. I dunno.....
Although, you can't score art. So this thread is stupid. And i'm stupid for saying you should.
So i've stopped scoring films.
I like Tom Jane in that movie. It was OK. I don't think it's worthy of the passionate hate.
But War Zone has more comedic value, with it's awful script, and exploding heads, so I'd watch that one more.
It is. But that's why I love it. It's a comically bad film, with great gore.
Anyway, Punisher does have one of the coolest fight scenes in recent memory. Russian fight was pretty fun. It's a fun movie.
It takes a concept and does something new with it. It also takes the hero genre, and does something new with it.