Just watched two movies this last weekend.
LOVED one, and HATED the other.
"Django Unchained" was great! It's a revenge movie, with a very simple plot, but very well paced and despite being quite long, it kept me entertained all the time. The balance between dialogue, character development, and action was perfect, the era was very well re-created, and loved most of the acting.... Christoph Waltz was BRILLANT, Samuel L. Jackson and DiCaprio were great, too. Not very convinced by Jamie Foxx, but he was O.K. at least.
"Prometheus" is just the most nonsensical movie I've seen in a very long time. Visually stunning to look at, incredible landscapes, amazing sets, the Giger themed decoration in the sets is breathtaking, and a healthy dose of Charlize Theron in skin-tight flight suit don't hurt, either.
But the story is where this movie failed miserably, IMO. Plot holes everywhere, things that made no sense, and the complete lack of a clear purpose or direction for everything that was happening. Plus, too many characters of which most were merely decorative and/or cannon fodder. And the few characters that got some screen time, were very underdeveloped. Even the main roles, their motivations weren't clear at all.
Anyway... I watched this one upon the recommendation of a friend... should have seen it coming, we've got very different views and tastes in movies.
Don't recommend either of them, though. "Django Unchained" is good, but it's Tarantino, and lots of people seem to dislike the guy's style on principle. Plus, it revolves around very delicate subjects - slavery and racism - and viewers with different sensibilities may react differently, even in opposite ways, to much of what is shown in it.
"Prometheus" is just a bad movie. If you want to see it just for the eye-candy, go for it. But don't expect a good story at all, because it's just not there