007: Skyfall -
6/10: Skyfall had one of the more simplistic plot lines that I've seen of any Bond movie (and I've seen them all). It's not one of the best films in the series by far, but it's still enjoyable.
The Hunger Games -
5/10: I stayed away from this movie for the longest time, because I got such a Twilight-esque vibe from looking at the trailers. Until one of my friends practically begged me to watch it

. It has a good storyline, but it's a bit too PG-13 for my taste. Teenagers (and I guess, a minority of older folks) should enjoy it immensely.
Expendable 2 -
7/10: It wasn't as good as the first movie, but it was still awesome seeing the entire cast of old action stars on screen (including Arnold and Chuck Norris). First and foremost, this is an action flick, and it wastes no time with overly complex dialogs (eg. -"What's the plan?" -"Track 'em, find 'em, kill 'em"). The Expendables series excels as an art form of old-school violence and grit, and it serves as a solemn reminder that actors like Stallone, Arnold, and Willis are irreplaceable - in a time when metrosexual girly-men are preferred by Hollywood on the big screen.
Tin Tin -
9/10: I grew up reading the Tin Tin comics from Hergé, and needless to say, it's one of my favorite comics of all time. The movie exceeded all of my expectations. The characters were faithfully reproduced, and I'd love to see a sequel!