So if the work of fiction is based on someone's memoir then it is 100% true... Got it!It's not a work of fiction, the film is based on the memoirs.
Whether you think that's repetitive or not, it's what really happened.
So if the work of fiction is based on someone's memoir then it is 100% true... Got it!It's not a work of fiction, the film is based on the memoirs.
Whether you think that's repetitive or not, it's what really happened.
Yep. I was expecting it to be some ground-breaking film with the most brutal and inhuman actions ever seen in cinema based on the reviews I read/heard.Agreed completely. It is a good film no doubt but all the accolades it got gave the impression it was something new...which it wasn't really. And it was internally repetitive too. Mistreatment by one owner/moves on to the next, Mistreatment by new owner/moves on to the next etc etc. We get the point, slavery was bad
So if the work of fiction is based on someone's memoir then it is 100% true... Got it!
Yep. I was expecting it to be some ground-breaking film with the most brutal and inhuman actions ever seen in cinema based on the reviews I read/heard.
People REALLY hyped this up for some reason. In the end, it was what it was. It was another slavery film with really good acting from most and some touching moments. There was nothing in the film that made me drop my jaw, stare in amazement, or want to revisit it in the future.
I believe I rated it an 8/10 after I saw it, which I still think is a fair rating. A much better than average film, but nothing phenomenal.
No. When it's not nearly as good of a film as everyone makes it out to be, unimagined brutality or not, then it's falling short in my eyes.So, if the film doesnt shake you to your core with heretofore unseen or unimagined brutality, it is somehow falling short in your eyes?
I never asked for "gore-porn", Mr. Fanboy.This isnt supposed to be gore-porn, your supposed to connect with the character on an emotional level, experience his loss, experience the degrdation of what he had to go through to simply survive and eventually reclaim. Yes, we all know about the brutaities of slavery, we have seen people being whipped over and over again on screen, but it's not about brutality for the sake of violence, it's about human beings robbed of their dignity and reduced in other's eyes as nothing more than cattle.
The filmmaker could have upped the ante with the violence and depravity to break through the average person's shell of desensitization, but I'm glad he didn't, because there is a point where that level of violence not only detracts from the story being told, but becomes cartoonish in it's own right.
Overreaction much? No such thing as 0/10![]()
This post - 9/10Besides, if people can throw around 10/10s like there is no tomorrow for movies that aren't deserving of it, I am sure I can 0/10
No. When it's not nearly as good of a film as everyone makes it out to be, unimagined brutality or not, then it's falling short in my eyes.
I never asked for "gore-porn", Mr. Fanboy.
It was a good film. I cared about the characters and what they were going through for the most part. It just could have been done better. I felt like I've seen this film a hundred times, and I've seen the impact of slavery portrayed better.
I did think the slavers/antagonists were a bit too "kind", but it would have taken a lot more than making them more brutal for me to be amazed with the film. And maybe that's just how they were supposed to be, based on the memoir(s). I wanted Solomon to make it home, and I thought the actor did a great job with what he was given, but I never really felt connected to him, nor did I feel a great amount of relief when he finally made it home.
Flash Gordon - He's a Miracle/10
He's for everyone of us!
Stands for everyone of us!
He saves with a mighty hand!
Every man every woman!
Every child-he's a mighty!