Green Lantern 6/10 - most folks hate this film along with XMO: Wolverine whereas I find them guilty pleasures.
Haha same here. I don't actualy mind it as much, my biggest issue was the costume as well as the look of the Guardians and Parallax.
Bloodsport-Holy sh$t! The first JCVD movie I've ever watched. I knew Cannon made some horrible films, but this takes the cake!-2/10
I like the film, but certainly isn't a great film. A guilty pleasure for me TBH.
You rate it a perfect 10, but say it's overrated?
I should probably say more that Spielberg is overrated. I enjoy the film, especially as the authenticity it entails. We use to have veterans come to our school and every single one mentions that Saving Private Ryan is the closest, if not most accurate, depiction of D-Day. Aside from the gory D-Day scene, a lot shows various others dealing with the war and the reality of it. As a war film, it has to be one of my most favorite, but just seems a bit overrated.
I just saw Fury, and while that one is also flawed, I'd say it's probably my new favorite war film; out of the fact that SPR is like the only war film people think of immediately (next to others like FMJ and Platoon etc.)
Saw it 4 times in the theaters. Fell asleep the 4th time. I know a lot of people laud this film, but it's terribly flawed. Case in point: the two German soldiers that surrender after Normandy that the US soldiers just callously gunned down. There's no mention of the fact that those two soldiers were Eastern Europeans that were conscripted to fight by the Nazis in lieu of death sentences. That's pretty much what the one soldier is saying before he's shot. I also am not a big Spielberg fan. He tries too hard to control his audiences' emotions and bathes in pathos to a nauseating level.
I can agree about the statement of Spielberg, but he did a good job. The example you give is something that really drills how it was. If you casually watch the film you won't catch the part about the Czech soldiers. However, if you have an ear and truly study the film, you will figure out what they are saying. I have pretty bad hearing so I always use subtitles, as well cause I watch a lot of foreign films/shows, so that helps me. Personally, I cannot distinguish German and Czech, but on the subtitles it shows what they say. A lot of people don't realize the extent of German's total war tactic, so it's something people ignorantly disregard. As I have seen this film plenty of time, it seems I pick up something new every time I watch it. Kind of like the phrase: Hate the sin, not the Sinner; I can dig the film, but can't stand the director.