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Sweet. If Goldenear has an option to add the atmos speakers I might do it. I rent so I can't do ceiling speakers.

Ceiling speakers aren't optimal for everyone (ie; like in your case where you're renting). In that case it's better to find add-on modules to go on top of your fronts and backs.
American Werewolf In London 8/10. I feel like the film could have been better if the running time was longer and they explored the world a little more. I loved the practical effects in the film, the transformation scene is still top notch.
American Werewolf In London 8/10. I feel like the film could have been better if the running time was longer and they explored the world a little more. I loved the practical effects in the film, the transformation scene is still top notch.

My dad took my brother and I to see this when I was 5 (my brother was 3). In his defense, I think he thought that coming from the guy who did Animal House and Blues Brothers it wouldn't be that bad. I wonder what that "R" rating is for. Wrong! We were terrified, he spent about 1/2 the movie covering our eyes (either for blood, ****s, or anything else starting with B) and we still tease him about it to this day. However, I think that was my first intro to being really scared and it was AWESOME! I made sure he got my copy of the Collector's Ed. DVD when I upgraded to blu. I don't know if he appreciates how much he influenced my love of movies, or certain kinds of movies, but it was a big deal when he would bring home some VHS tapes he rented and we'd watch movies on Friday night...unless I chickened out (The Thing). Not that I'm a big fan of taking your 5 year old to R rated horror movies, but they might not hate you for scarring them for life. :horror
Don't think I saw that one till I was 18 or so and even then I found it scary or at least atmospheric. It was at a friend's house and I was walking home that night, or maybe I rang for a lift, seems possible I would have chosen the latter after watching that film.

Can't remember what that Jack Nicholson Werewolf film was like but they haven't been scary in many other depictions, least of all Twilight, True Blood and The Vampire Diaries.
Don't think I saw that one till I was 18 or so and even then I found it scary or at least atmospheric. It was at a friend's house and I was walking home that night, or maybe I rang for a lift, seems possible I would have chosen the latter after watching that film.

Can't remember what that Jack Nicholson Werewolf film was like but they haven't been scary in many other depictions, least of all Twilight, True Blood and The Vampire Diaries.

Wolf? I can't say I've seen it, but I didn't hear great things 20 years ago or so when it was out. For months afterwards, if the old man did a wolf howl when we were driving in the middle of nowhere my brother and I would freak out. It was great.
It's better than many films of their stand-alone franchises.
And in terms of crossovers, miles better than crappy AvP.
Come on, it's utter ****. :lol

I stupidly went with a friend to see it in the cinema years ago - I can't believe I actually let him persuade me. What made the night worse, was that the place was empty, except for us & two creepy middle aged dudes sitting a few rows down from us, yelling obscenities at the screen most of the time, & I tried to tell one to keep it down.. bad idea. :monkey4

Anyway.. speaking of 'horror' movies, I finally watched the original 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' for the first time the other day. Definitely not my kind of movie at all, but I can appreciate it purely because it's a classic from THE best decade of cinema. The lo-fi vibe is great, it makes the whole thing that much more unsettling & macabre.

I'll also reluctantly admit, that I watched the 2003 remake first when it came out, & that was a dumb thing to do - not to mention that it was a crap remake.
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What made the night worse, was that the place was empty, except for us & two creepy middle aged dudes sitting a few rows down from us, yelling obscenities at the screen most of the time, & I tried to tell one to keep it down.. bad idea. :monkey4
Oh, believe me I know what you mean. :monkey2
Pretty much why I rarely visit big cinema these days. And because of little kids and their terrible parents, of course.

Still, I get a kick out of FvsJ.
It's stupid and fun in just the right way yet has that glamor of old school horror slashers.
Oh, believe me I know what you mean. :monkey2
Pretty much why I rarely visit big cinema these days. And because of little kids and their terrible parents, of course.

Still, I get a kick out of FvsJ.
It's stupid and fun in just the right way yet has that glamor of old school horror slashers.

I like FVJ and find it to be a was a fun watch. Way better then AVP 1&2

I would give it a solid 7 out of 10
AvP - 6/10

All Nightmare on Elm Street and Friday the Thirteenth (mostly all slasher films really) - 2-4/10