Plastic Bateman
Super Freak
As far I know, like cannibal campout.
What about the supposed SJW commentary in the movie? I remember that's why I wanted to see it.
I watched this with some friends, go in drunk and with low expectations and it's a pretty serviceable comedy.
The SJW critique side of things is the most entertaining part, in all honesty. Roth must have really hated the people he went to college with

B]Knock Knock [/B]- 4/10 - Wow, what garbage. A mix of Funny Games and Hard Candy. Keanu. I'm not really sure why he chose to do this flick. He can act when the roles requires it, bet he is flat out awful in this. Like Nic Cage awful. At least the blond chick was hawt and got naked. And Eli Roth sucks.
Knock Knock is one of the greatest unintentional comedies I've ever seen