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I can't believe this thread is still here haha.

Anyway, I saw The Conjuring 2 at a free screening and I kinda liked it a lot? It wasn't as creepy as the first, but I found it to be a little more fun and looser than the first. Which could be a good or bad thing depending on how you feel about it. Honestly, Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga just own their roles and really are the heart of the film. They have fantastic chemistry.

What I personally loved about the film was it sorta felt like a really interesting remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street. Mostly because of the villain, an angry old man who really enjoys ****ing with little children. There's a neat twist I won't spoil, but it really hammered in the way I was watching it. Also, there's a lot of ANOES imagery going around. Nuns, people being drug up walls, "dream sequences" ect. It was pretty dope. I don't think my audience liked it though. They reacted the spooky stuff, but by the end, they just sort of walked out.

The opening was kind of neat too with it being set at
Spoiler Spoiler:
Way better than the first's with Annabelle.

Not quite as good as the first overall, but for me, it wasn't much of a step down.
I can't believe this thread is still here haha.

Anyway, I saw The Conjuring 2 at a free screening and I kinda liked it a lot? It wasn't as creepy as the first, but I found it to be a little more fun and looser than the first. Which could be a good or bad thing depending on how you feel about it. Honestly, Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga just own their roles and really are the heart of the film. They have fantastic chemistry.

What I personally loved about the film was it sorta felt like a really interesting remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street. Mostly because of the villain, an angry old man who really enjoys ****ing with little children. There's a neat twist I won't spoil, but it really hammered in the way I was watching it. Also, there's a lot of ANOES imagery going around. Nuns, people being drug up walls, "dream sequences" ect. It was pretty dope. I don't think my audience liked it though. They reacted the spooky stuff, but by the end, they just sort of walked out.

The opening was kind of neat too with it being set at
Spoiler Spoiler:
Way better than the first's with Annabelle.

Not quite as good as the first overall, but for me, it wasn't much of a step down.

I might be seeing it next week, since the misses wants to go.
Yeah, maybe be wary. The audience and my buddy I saw it with didn't seem all that thrilled about it. It was actually kind of on the long side, and I did feel it, but it never bugged me at all. But then again, I love spooky paranormal ghost hunter ****, AND Patrick Wilson, so I'm a bit biased.
I can't believe this thread is still here haha.

Anyway, I saw The Conjuring 2 at a free screening and I kinda liked it a lot? It wasn't as creepy as the first, but I found it to be a little more fun and looser than the first. Which could be a good or bad thing depending on how you feel about it. Honestly, Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga just own their roles and really are the heart of the film. They have fantastic chemistry.

What I personally loved about the film was it sorta felt like a really interesting remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street. Mostly because of the villain, an angry old man who really enjoys ****ing with little children. There's a neat twist I won't spoil, but it really hammered in the way I was watching it. Also, there's a lot of ANOES imagery going around. Nuns, people being drug up walls, "dream sequences" ect. It was pretty dope. I don't think my audience liked it though. They reacted the spooky stuff, but by the end, they just sort of walked out.

The opening was kind of neat too with it being set at
Spoiler Spoiler:
Way better than the first's with Annabelle.

Not quite as good as the first overall, but for me, it wasn't much of a step down.

Welcome back. :duff
Them! (1954): 6.5/10

Man, I hadn't realized just how much Cameron had mined this film for ideas when he made ALIENS. The catatonic little girl with the mangled doll found after her parents were eaten, the guys with the flamethrowers going into the tunnels while a woman discovers that the walls are covered in a secreted resin, the kids having to be rescued from the hive, escaping out the ventilation shaft in the drainage tunnels, even the crazy old guy literally uttering the words "They mostly come out at night."

No wonder many ALIEN purists were put off by Cameron turning the xenos into "big ants" in 1986.
X Men : Apocalypse - 6.5/10

Pretty good, don't know why it's getting so much hate. It has some bad moments, but much more good in it than bad.

QS scene was the highpoint, just like DOFP.
X Men : Apocalypse - 6.5/10

Pretty good, don't know why it's getting so much hate. It has some bad moments, but much more good in it than bad.

QS scene was the highpoint, just like DOFP.

I gave it a 5.5/10. A little above average, but I was still entertained and will probably pick up the blu-ray just to have the 3D version instantly available should I ever find myself in the mood to revisit the film's higher points.
Yeah, I'll purchase as well, own them all (except FC) but only purchased X3 because I didn't see it in the theater and was a blind buy. Needless to say X3 will likely never be watched again.
I can't believe this thread is still here haha.

Anyway, I saw The Conjuring 2 at a free screening and I kinda liked it a lot? It wasn't as creepy as the first, but I found it to be a little more fun and looser than the first. Which could be a good or bad thing depending on how you feel about it. Honestly, Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga just own their roles and really are the heart of the film. They have fantastic chemistry.

What I personally loved about the film was it sorta felt like a really interesting remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street. Mostly because of the villain, an angry old man who really enjoys ****ing with little children. There's a neat twist I won't spoil, but it really hammered in the way I was watching it. Also, there's a lot of ANOES imagery going around. Nuns, people being drug up walls, "dream sequences" ect. It was pretty dope. I don't think my audience liked it though. They reacted the spooky stuff, but by the end, they just sort of walked out.

The opening was kind of neat too with it being set at
Spoiler Spoiler:
Way better than the first's with Annabelle.

Not quite as good as the first overall, but for me, it wasn't much of a step down.

Hiding in plain site, "Celty"? :lol
Oh yeah. I love Cloverfield, and 10 Cloverfield Lane is probably my second favorite film of the year, besides Deadpool, which, if you remember I was super stoked about because of that great script. (And it's the only comic book character I like from reading comics).

But yeah. Cloverfield Lane was just pretty much perfect. Sharply written, tense as **** and man, every actor knocked it out of the park. Especially Goodman. Man, I still get chills thinking about some of those scenes. What a great film.

And I'm obviously not hiding. I've mellowed out quite a bit. Just in general. The internet isn't about arguments. That **** is boring and for high schoolers. I am not a high schooler any more. :D
Oh yeah. I love Cloverfield, and 10 Cloverfield Lane is probably my second favorite film of the year, besides Deadpool, which, if you remember I was super stoked about because of that great script. (And it's the only comic book character I like from reading comics).

But yeah. Cloverfield Lane was just pretty much perfect. Sharply written, tense as **** and man, every actor knocked it out of the park. Especially Goodman. Man, I still get chills thinking about some of those scenes. What a great film.

And I'm obviously not hiding. I've mellowed out quite a bit. Just in general. The internet isn't about arguments. That **** is boring and for high schoolers. I am not a high schooler any more. :D

Agreed on Cloverfield, although my initial reaction about the ending was a bit of confusion, but then it hit me.

Spoiler Spoiler:

Hence the ending is perfect.

Can't wait for God Particle, I don't remember if you were too big on the ARG thing, but if you are, are there any links or sources you can share about theories of 10 CL or God particle?
X-Men Apocalypse was a real let down for me. I like Bryan Singer and thought his come back was really great. This was just too much. Honestly what I like about the X-Men films overall is they're rarely ever about a WORLD ENDING THREAT. It's always personal. Ideologies clashing against each other, wrapped up in a metaphor for minorities. X2, First Class, and Days of Future Past really work because of this.

X-3 is terrible because of this. And this one felt like a weird extension of X-3 but just a little less hacky. That little quip about the 3rd movie being bad made my eyes roll because if you consider First Class a new trilogy, well....

Quicksilver is really the best part mostly because he's not only a great, well defined character, but Evan Peters just goes for it and it's great. Also, everything he does in the film is a character thing, and not a story thing. Which I appreciate. His big scene is filled with little moments of character peppered in and even if you've never seen him before, you know exactly who he is as a person. Great storytelling there. Damn shame it had to be shoved in directly after a pretty dramatic moment. One of the worst tonal shifts I've ever seen in a film.
Agreed on Cloverfield, although my initial reaction about the ending was a bit of confusion, but then it hit me.

Spoiler Spoiler:

Hence the ending is perfect.

Can't wait for God Particle, I don't remember if you were too big on the ARG thing, but if you are, are there any links or sources you can share about theories of 10 CL or God particle?

I'll be quite honest, I don't remember any god particle thing. Only the sea nector, the girl dying on a bed, and the oil rig thing. :lol:

But yeah. The ending is perfect. I love it because it drives the character forward and not so much the plot. What happens after isn't important. It's the choice. Goddamn I love that movie. I can't wait to own it.

Also the score? Top notch.
I'll be quite honest, I don't remember any god particle thing. Only the sea nector, the girl dying on a bed, and the oil rig thing. :lol:

But yeah. The ending is perfect. I love it because it drives the character forward and not so much the plot. What happens after isn't important. It's the choice. Goddamn I love that movie. I can't wait to own it.

Also the score? Top notch.

Oh so you don't know about God Particle? It's another Bad Robot movie, people think it's the 3rd movie of the Clover series, I'm not gonna spoil the search for you, so here's just the synopsis:

The story, set in the near future, centers on a team of astronauts on a space station making a terrifying discovery that challenges all they know about the fabric of reality, as they desperately fight for their survival

Then this showed up on the Tagruato website.

In a move surely to shake up the world of physics, Bold Futura has recruited one hundred of the top physics majors graduating from universities around the world. Most highly sought after was Johan Hedberg from Sweden. His internationally-acclaimed thesis on the intricate ecosystems of deep sea crevices landed him immediate tenure at his university but he turned it down for the opportunity to work for Bold Futura. “They offered me free reign to do whatever I want as long as the board approves and oversees it, “said Hedberg at Futura’s November press conference, “Plus I’ll have comfort and security for a long, long time.”

It is unclear what Futura’s expectations are for these young minds. The company is cheerfully vague regarding their intentions for the new all-star quantum squad.

“With those young, fresh minds working together, anything is possible. I’ve watched these new graduates - they have ideas on everything from creating new energy sources to starting us down the road to teleportation,” said Tokyo-based Professor Akira Okinawa. “As a citizen to Japan and the human race, I cannot think of a better place for their ideas to flourish. Bold Futura is cutting edge and innovative. It has a plan for us all.”

Ganu Yoshida is the CEO of Bold Futura’s parent company, Tagruato. When asked about this “quantum coup”, he answered, “Now that we have all the best minds, we won’t need to worry about competition. This is what the industry needs right now: a company focused not on what its competitors are doing, but instead what it can do to make the world a better place.”

American Mike Siegel graduated last May in a cap and gown. Now he’ll be on the other side of the world in a labcoat. He won’t miss home though. “They offered me a chance to make history and to work with the best in my field. How could I turn that down?”

And I'm obviously not hiding. I've mellowed out quite a bit. Just in general. The internet isn't about arguments. That **** is boring and for high schoolers. I am not a high schooler any more. :D
I think what everyone really wants to know is...

...do you still love Michael Bay?