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Dawn of the Dead 2004. extended cut


Good stuff. Pays homage to the original....but keeps its own tale. Shockingly disturbing at times.

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A few hits amongst a pile of awful movies that his cult worships no matter what? I'd say he's already Snyder. Or, rather, Snyder is Shaymalan 2.0... :monkey3
What do you know? You're just an MCU sheep with a tiny MCU brain who likes flavors of the week.

That's dingdong's best movie

Shambala's best scene is the Alien video in signs though.


My favorite dingdong films

1. Unbreakable

2. Signs

3. The Sixth Sense

4. Probably Split...haven't seen it

That's my ranking as well.
Nice to see you enjoyed Split while knowing the big reveal ahead of time. That movie turned out much better than I expected it to be.
That's because it stands on its own, I actually forgot about the reveal until late in the movie.

I wish I hadn't found out, but then I probably wouldn't have seen it in theaters.

And it was a better reveal that I thought
I thought David Dunn would show up at the end to beat the beast or something, but nope, just a small nod and sequel set up, and actually quite elegant and organic, it actually feels like a comicbook universe without being one, I just hope the third one is just as good. I hope M Night Sriracha doesn't get sequelitis on the 3rd one
That's because it stands on its own, I actually forgot about the reveal until late in the movie.

I wish I hadn't found out, but then I probably wouldn't have seen it in theaters.

And it was a better reveal that I thought
I thought David Dunn would show up at the end to beat the beast or something, but nope, just a small nod and sequel set up, and actually quite elegant and organic, it actually feels like a comicbook universe without being one, I just hope the third one is just as good. I hope M Night Sriracha doesn't get sequelitis on the 3rd one

Yea, I'm worried about the sequel.

I love this little world M Night has put together though.
The Founder: 6/10

It felt like a TV-Flick. It didn't have the grandness of other recent bio-films, like Jobs, Social Network, Theory of Everything, etc. It's got more in common with, say, The Man who knew Infinity, I'd say, as far as this type of movies go. Not bad, just... not that memorable.
Get Out 6.5/10.. very good acting but it couldn't decide whether it wanted to be a racial statement,a comedy or a serious chiller.And the Director could not blend them.
I thought it was funny, and suspenseful but not really a great film at all.

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Is it the meta-horror/thriller and satire of racial turmoil in America that I expect it to be?

You're much smarter than me but it seemed more like a commentary on interracial relationships than anything else, specifically what it's like to be a black man dating a white woman. Black men will most definitely get the most out watching this movie. Nothing about it was subtle, or really brilliant, but I did think it was pretty damn funny :lol

Halfway into the movie they pretty much drop most of the commentary.