RATE or REVIEW The Last Movie You Watched.

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Glad you enjoyed Drag me to Hell Badmoon. Were you the one that was reluctant to see it since you didn't enjoy the Evil Dead films?
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Law Abiding Citizen - 8/10 Great movie!

Saw 6 - uhhhhhh theres a reason i only watched the first one. Great story, but i dont see how anyone can watch someone kill themselves. 5/10
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

The Hills Run Red 8/10

Very good me and my brother really liked it.

Hallettsville :sleep:sleep:sleep:sleep:sleep:sleep out of 10

Frigging brutal couldn't wait for it to finish. :banghead
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

The Beach (2000) 10/10. Genius movie. Love it.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Yeah , it is a great movie , I've always loved the soundtrack.

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

The Shining 10/10 (Some of the number patterns are mind boggling :google) Thanks Dekard.

Right at 1:06:06 (666) he takes his drink and sells his soul to the devil. 2:21:00 The date on the picture (1921) appears and the film ends.

If you look closely at the end of the movie (in the B&W pic), look at Jack's right "raised" hand, there is a small note in it.
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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

The Shining 10/10 (Some of the number patterns are mind boggling :google) Thanks Dekard.

Right at 1:06:06 (666) he takes his drink and sells his soul to the devil. 2:21:00 The date on the picture (1921) appears and the film ends.

If you look closely at the end of the movie (in the B&W pic), look at Jack's right "raised" hand, there is a small note in it.

:rock I'm going to watch it again later tonite.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

:rock I'm going to watch it again later tonite.

I think I get it now (the actual point/mystery) to the film. In Kubrick's mind this film consisted of a "mirror image" world. Its the mirror image that seperates reality from fantasy. The reason the patterns 12 - 21 and 24 - 42 exist is his way of giving a fantasized event to every moment of reality. Like for instance at 21:42 the twin girls appear and then at exactly 42:42 the girls appear again.

When you look into a mirror you see reality (you) and fantasy (The image looking back at you) Ones real and ones fake.

Two elevators
Room 237 (Only room with double doors)
Twin girls
Two Jack Torrences

Reality - Fantasy.

At the end of the film Jack wasn't reincarnated into the hotel as the caretaker that was "always there" he was the mirror image of Jack Torrence 1980. Somehow the hotel had the ability to create this phenomenon.

Just my 2 cents.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Also how the Grady Jack talks to is not the same Grady Ullman says killed his family.

Charles Grady went insane and murdered his family.

Jack speaks to Delbert Grady, a figment of his imagination he bases on the Charles Grady story Ullman spoke of. He speaks to Llyod and Grady in mirrors, they are Jack's equivilent to Danny's Tony. Tony is Danny's caretaker. When Danny is scared, Tony takes over. "You've always been the caretaker", is Jack fighting it out with Grady for control of his mind.

I got the gist that Jack never fully realised he could Shine, and so because he misunderstands his ability, the Hotel is able to take advantage of him and prey on his weakness.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Also how the Grady Jack talks to is not the same Grady Ullman says killed his family.

Charles Grady went insane and murdered his family.

Jack speaks to Delbert Grady, a figment of his imagination he bases on the Charles Grady story Ullman spoke of. He speaks to Llyod and Grady in mirrors, they are Jack's equivilent to Danny's Tony.

I got the gist that Jack never fully realised he could Shine, and so because he misunderstands his ability, the Hotel is able to take advantage of him and prey on his weakness.

Pure genius isn't it? If people want to truly appreciate creativity in film The Shining wins in that department hands down with Fight Club as runner up.

Hows this for number patterned foreshadowing ................. he throws a tennis ball up against the wall (37:28) exactly 12 times and then during the "Heres Johnny" scene he smashes the bathroom door with an axe exactly 12 times. The reason I say its foreshadowing is because the tennis ball and axe make almost the exact same "thud" noise.

Stanley Kubrick spent 5 years making this film and I think its obvious why. The man was a perfectionist.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Yea, he really is a genius. All of his films are exceptional, you just don't see that level of thought in cinema anymore, or very rarely.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

I didn't like it. It was like Deliverance meets the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Plus I wanted almost every character to die. Bad casting, nothing we haven't seen over and over again in past films. Good concept with "meh" execution. Not good enough for me. 4/10.

I though more Delevirance meets the hills have eyes:D

a solid 7.5 for me
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

The Shining 10/10 (Some of the number patterns are mind boggling :google) Thanks Dekard.

Right at 1:06:06 (666) he takes his drink and sells his soul to the devil. 2:21:00 The date on the picture (1921) appears and the film ends.

If you look closely at the end of the movie (in the B&W pic), look at Jack's right "raised" hand, there is a small note in it.

Wait a minute. How does 1:06:06 equal 666? And how does 2:21:00 equal 1921? I'm confused. Explain before my head explodes.