RATE or REVIEW The Last Movie You Watched.

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

The Fly (1986) - 9/10

Love this movie, Jeff Goldblum is just fantastic! :rock
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Saw: 7.5/10 While watching this yesterday, I couldn't help thinking the following: Both Lawrence and Adam agree upon that the chain on their foot can't be sawn off because the metal is too strong for the saw.
But... no-one tries to saw through the rusty old pipe on which the other end of the chain is chained...
Now I'm not a smithy, nor am I trained in the metallurgic arts, but to me a hollow rusty old pipe wouldn't seem nearly as strong as that big chain on their foot... :dunno
I would at least try to saw through that before I'd saw off one of my extremities... :D

Anyway, it's an enjoyable watch, and definitely the best of the series.

Freddy vs. Jason: 5/10
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Saw: 7.5/10 While watching this yesterday, I couldn't help thinking the following: Both Lawrence and Adam agree upon that the chain on their foot can't be sawn off because the metal is too strong for the saw.
But... no-one tries to saw through the rusty old pipe on which the other end of the chain is chained...
Now I'm not a smithy, nor am I trained in the metallurgic arts, but to me a hollow rusty old pipe wouldn't seem nearly as strong as that big chain on their foot... :dunno
I would at least try to saw through that before I'd saw off one of my extremities...

Anyway, it's an enjoyable watch, and definitely the best of the series.

Freddy vs. Jason: 5/10

I thought the very same thing the first time I saw Saw.

Last movie I watched, Kill Bill Vol.1 7.5/10
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Independence Day - 9/10

"Must go faster!"

Deep Impact - 8/10

I have to admit, I kind of prefer this to Armageddon.......just because the whole scenario seems more plausible.

"Must go faster!"

hey bro

isnt this quote from Jurassic park?
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

"Must go faster!"

hey bro

isnt this quote from Jurassic park?

Goldblum says it in both flicks, sort of a joke, he's the man.

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Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

The International. Decent thriller. Didn't get much pub when it first came out and didn't appeal to me that much, but it was on demand and I watched it. Both Clive Owen and Naomi Watts are good (as usual) and there is a great shoot out sequence that takes place in the guggenheim Museum.
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

Never done these back to back. I need to do that some day. :D

If you have 6 hours to spare :horror and can appreciate true masterpieces then I recommend you do :D

Top 5 best ever made films imo:

The Shawshank Redemption
Raging Bull
Godfather II
Re: Rate The Last Movie You Watched.

If you have 6 hours to spare :horror and can appreciate true masterpieces then I recommend you do :D Top 5 best ever made films imo: The Shawshank Redemption Raging Bull Godfather Godfather II Goodfellas
Yeah, I've seen all 3 of The Godfather films numerous times over but to do a marathon would be great. But yeah, it would take FOR EV ER :lol