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Last two games

Silent Hill Downpour: 8/10

It's been a while since I felt tense an uneasy moving through a game. This one succeeded. Great atmosphere, great music, intriguing story and characters.

Cons...Combat needs work, Monster design lacking.

Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City: 8.5/10

Short, but a blast to play.
Silent Hill Shattered Memories. 4.0-5.0

Really enjoyed this game. Also the first Wii game i've completed. Had the system collecting dust for two years now.
Uncharted 3 - 9/10

Loved the game, the second half was much better though the only thing keeping it from 10/10 is loose-ends in the story, How was Talbot able to get shot a couple of times and not die, or disappear around corners with no trace? why were the spiders in each location? Not enough info on Elena's and Drake's marriage, what was the drug Talbot uses? Ect...

And not being able to have other costumes or skins like in the previous single pllayer campaigns
Uncharted 3 - 9/10

Loved the game, the second half was much better though the only thing keeping it from 10/10 is loose-ends in the story, How was Talbot able to get shot a couple of times and not die, or disappear around corners with no trace? why were the spiders in each location? Not enough info on Elena's and Drake's marriage, what was the drug Talbot uses? Ect...

And not being able to have other costumes or skins like in the previous single pllayer campaigns

Yeah, Uncharted 3 felt half-assed compared to the first two in terms of story.

A Visually stunning game.No doubt one of the most beautiful games ive ever played,it's absolutely lovely to look at.It's pretty short too,about 2 hours play so perfect to kill time with.

It certainly feels like you're going on a path to heaven,and make it as beautiful as possible,it seriously is that nice to look at.

I strongly recommend this short Downloadable game to anyone who appreciate such things.
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-Sillent hill Downpour:
8.5 out 10

Great SH game, the best SH since SH3 imo.. however this game has some minor but "sometimes "annoying technical problems

-SH HD Collection: 6. out 10
(Both games were real masterpieces on PS2 but the HD port is just poor and crappy :( )

-Mass Effect 3: 9 out 10

Great game.. but the ending is the worst thing ever :lecture
007 Blood Stone (PS3): 9/10

This game was such a pleasant surprise. The developers did a great job in pushing Blood Stone way beyond what they accomplished in Quantum of Solace. The enemy AI's were much more intelligent - comparable to the AI's in Uncharted 1. They'd bob and weave as bullets are fired at them, and many will even try to flank Bond's position and flush him out if he's prone, and under cover.

The environments were also varied, and there were some pretty awesome car-chase sequences. If you're a fan of the James Bond movies, you need to play this! All in all, it didn't leave me with a "wow" feeling. Basically, I've seen everything about Blood Stone in other games, let alone in other Bond movies. But, it's still an extremely worthwhile play through - way, waaay more than what reviewers give it credit for.

The story mode should run about 9 hours on regular difficulty, and 12 hours on the higher difficulties.
Mass Effect 3

Everything up to the last 15 or so minutes - 9/10
The last 15 minutes - 2/10 (that might be a little generous)


Mass Effect 3 5.0-5.0.

Loved every second of it, even the ending. Actually i think the ending was fantastic. Its nice to see Bioware deliver on the promise they made of rapping up this trilogy during this current gen of consoles. I remember people were laughing at them about that.

And what about the promise of our decisions in previous games having major ramifications on the ending? The decisions we made throughout the series didn't mean jack ____ when it was all said and done.
007 Blood Stone (PS3): 9/10

This game was such a pleasant surprise. The developers did a great job in pushing Blood Stone way beyond what they accomplished in Quantum of Solace. The enemy AI's were much more intelligent - comparable to the AI's in Uncharted 1. They'd bob and weave as bullets are fired at them, and many will even try to flank Bond's position and flush him out if he's prone, and under cover.

The environments were also varied, and there were some pretty awesome car-chase sequences. If you're a fan of the James Bond movies, you need to play this! All in all, it didn't leave me with a "wow" feeling. Basically, I've seen everything about Blood Stone in other games, let alone in other Bond movies. But, it's still an extremely worthwhile play through - way, waaay more than what reviewers give it credit for.

The story mode should run about 9 hours on regular difficulty, and 12 hours on the higher difficulties.

I love every single one of these Bond Games since they started on PS2 many years agoo.But this is the first time im truly dissappointed in a Bond Game,i was truly bored and kinda glad when it was over.
Perry Rhodan - The Immortals of Terra (Myth of the Illochim) 7/10

Perry Rhodan is a German Sci-Fi franchise that's almost unknown anywhere else but it's huge! Tons of books, TV series, movies.... and games.

The game is a classic adventure game, pure point n click. The best way I can summarize this game is that it's an enjoyable game but nothing groundbreaking.
The music is nice in a Jack Wall/Mass Effect kind of way and the little chant in the main menu will probably stay with you after you're done. The voice acting is really good too.
The graphics are good going from Gattaca-ish cities to sweeping space vistas and almost Giger-ish designs. The settings vary a lot and towards the second half there's some really gorgeous art. The character's bodies are alright but the faces can look like they're coming from 2000.
The puzzles are mostly inventory based but there are a few self contained ones. Overall the game is not hard, I got stuck a few times and it was mostly because there was a door I couldn't find or "I swear I already tried that 5 seconds ago!!". The self contained puzzles are a bit tougher but that makes them more memorable also.
The UI is very easy to use.
The plot is alright, it starts with an attack on the Citadel and the abduction of your friend and you try to track her down which takes you on a journey to several various locations.

Overall a nice game and a good Sci-Fi point n click if you're craving one since The Dig.
Mass effect 3: Best damned game series I've ever played and the journey that ME3 takes you through feels epic, but the ending was ridiculous!

For the journey alone I'm still going to give it a 9/10, I had a lump in my throat at numerous points in this game.
Resistance 2, 6.5/10 had it forever and fianlly got around to finishing it. The game mechanics and graphics are good, and as a fp shooter an enjoyable game, but I found the story really unengaging and had a hard time dragging myself into the storyline. While I enjoyed blowing stuff up, I really didn't care. I bought it to use the infected mode on the psp version, which was considerably better. I've started number 3 and it's already better than part two, the story starts off better and the environment has a much better feel to it. Part two just didn't seem like it fit the setting, whereas 3 already does.
TMNT Hyperstone Heist Sega Genesis 6.5/10

It felt like a mish mash of Turtles in Time/TMNT 2 throwback plus original content.

The game is ok but not great definitely nowhere near Turtles in Time. I do enjoy the the throw backs to TMNT 2 though as that was a favorite game of mine as a kid.

Stage 4 was brutal and took me a few tries to get through. Over all it's an ok game but feels a bit weak in the late 80's/90's TMNT beat em up scene but is worth playing if you get it cheap.
Blood Omen 9/10

Great game, awesome story, great atmosphere, amazing voice acting and music.

BTW Ariel is voiced by Anna Gunn who plays Skyler in Breaking Bad!
Super Mario Galaxy 2 10/10. I love this game its really best Wii game so far. It had few hard and annoying parts but mostly it is pretty easy game.