Yeah, for real the HD Trilogy has some really annoying trophies to get, probably one of the worst sets I've seen. A Crack in Time's are pretty easy and simple, Into the Nexus isn't bad but the HD Trilogy...god, why?
Resident Evil 0 Remastered - 7/10. Shows its age due to when it was made, has issues with flow and back tracking and the item restrictions are stupid. But its atmosphere, music and moments do help it out and it looks lovely in HD.
I don't know if I want to go back for the platinums in those games...maybe Going Commando and Up Your Arsenal for Challenge Mode and the fun factor.I kind of freaked out a little bit with Going Commando, because I didn't get all of the skill points until my Challenge Mode run through, so, I wound up having to use one of the exploits to get to the Insomniac museum. I was never so happy as when the trophy popped up.
Now that I've got my PS3 hooked up, I'm debating trying to get the remaining Arkham Origins trophies I'm missing, but I'm really not sure I want to go through the trouble (the two Bruce Wayne trophies from the Initiation DLC and pretty much all of the multiplayer trophies, which are just...ugh). Honestly, I know Sony has the feature where you can hide trophies, but part of me really wishes theyd create a way to just have the permanently removed, unless you decide otherwise, because that's one game I'd just like to give up on.
So, have you played the R&C remake, yet, FSLAR?
I don't know if I want to go back for the platinums in those games...maybe Going Commando and Up Your Arsenal for Challenge Mode and the fun factor.
And frankly I would not go bother with Arkham Origins trophies, it doesn't seem worth it. The first thing I did after completing it was go back to Arkham Cityit's such a pain in the ass and just not a well made gaem.
I do have the R&C Remake but I haven't actually played it, wanted to clear out other games from my long list first.
I wonder if you could even find people on multiplayerI have all of the single player and cold, cold heart trophies, but, yeah, I really don't want to go into multiplayer mode. I tried it a few times, and, blech. Like I said, if I could just erase that game from my trophy list, I would totally do so, but Sony's like "you can hide it from the world, but you can never escape the skeletons in your closet," when it comes to trophies.It's not as bad, now, though, since I still haven't earned 100℅ of the Arkham Knight trophies. I got my Platinum, but there are just so, so many that it's like "oof."
Lately, I've started to enjoy trophy hunting. It used to just be the Batman games, but, since I got my Platinums for AC: Syndicate and Fallout, I've been trying to get more Platinums. The ones I hate are games like GTA V, with separate trophies for different versions, where I started it on PS3, so, it would, basically, be in a perpetual state of noncompletion
I wonder if you could even find people on multiplayermaybe we could help each other out with the Origins multiplayer trophies, I saw even on release some people didn't find many on the servers. It's gotta be dead by this point. I didn't get 100% in Arkham Knight either, the Riddler **** is so annoying...
I've been doing some trophy hunting to do for some simpler games, like the Jak and Daxter Trilogy. But it is strange how some games have different trophies and the Last of Us and GTA V.
I'd be happy to, if you're up to suffer through it with me.It might not be dead, though. I sometimes stop into WB's Arkham forums, and, for whatever reason, I don't know, but that game still has a seemingly devoted fanbase, and people clamoring for multiplayer in new games, which I'm glad that, up to this point, at least, Rocksteady has basically said "**** off" to MP.
Golden Axe II and III still as awesome as they were back in the 90s.