Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Grievous, Westworld & Kenobi!!!

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Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

Thanks Amarcord :duff Haven't seen much of you around, hope things are going well.
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

Just saw your pics, looks really nice. I love the vintage Star Wars figures (lots of childhood memories there), and looking at the original Jabba set almost made me go look for one on eBay. :)

I also got a kick out of Animal with the drum set, my friend loves Animal. He has a tattoo of him.
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

Thanks Y4NK33 :duff

Just saw your pics, looks really nice. I love the vintage Star Wars figures (lots of childhood memories there), and looking at the original Jabba set almost made me go look for one on eBay. :)

Do it man... I got Jabba complete with instructions and the C-3PO for like $25 shipped. Anyway you slice it that is a great deal :rock

As for updates... my collection room is getting a bit of a reorganization so no room shots. But I got this in yesterday and needed to put up a few shots... its the latest Myers from Ones1customs :rock






Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

Thanks man... I think I am finally done with Myers figures :lol Started with the failed order from Darkartist, then the first Old '78 whose head was replaced with this one :lol :huh
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

That Myers is better than the Sideshow version, IMO.

We also just upgraded our camera b/c of my daughter. On average, my wife takes about 20 pictures a day. I suggested that we might as well upgrade from the cheap-o, $80 camera if we're gonna be using it so much and if we want to best enjoy the pics in the future. So, we did. I was watching Dexter last week, and noticed that our camera looks just like his apart from a different flash and lens. I guess we'll have to upgrade to an HD video camera next.
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

Oh yeah, way better than Sideshows... always though theirs looked more like a mime than Myers; but kudos to them for at least using faux hair.


(from MWCtoys)​

As for the camera my wife doesn't really take many pictures... even though technically it was her bday gift :lol But I really like the camera mostly since I can take indoor shots w/o flash or excessive blurriness.

Still need to get more lenses... but I've been saying that for over a year now :lol
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

Got in the Han & Luke 2 pack today. These are way better looking in person than I expected... I had fears of wonky eyes, funky paint and damaged armor. But have to say the figures look damn good out of the box.

Luckily I had a spare Stormtrooper body, so I chopped about a 1/2" out of the thighs and replaced them to shorten Luke. Also gave them crotch grabber arms.






Really love how detailed the inside of the helmets are... bit of a bummer they can't wear them, but worth the trade-off imo.​


And, they passed the mustard with the most discerning of collectors... my 11 month old daughter :lol After this picture she would crawl up to the fireplace and point at the figures every few minutes!​


Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

Thanks... the armor body poses pretty well. Not the prettiest of designs, but it works for stormies and the like. And nice that its no longer super loose like the first releases.
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

And, they passed the mustard with the most discerning of collectors... my 11 month old daughter :lol After this picture she would crawl up to the fireplace and point at the figures every few minutes!​

That's awesome :lol

My 2 year-old daughter loves looking at my collection and naming as many characters as she can. She's got Iron Man, Darth Vader, Indiana Jones, Luke, The Dude, Maximus, The Rocketeer and Captain Jack down so far...we're working on it :lol
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

Thanks, I really dig 'em!

A few more recent acquisitions: Greedo, Gammorrean Guard and a Vintage Grimlock :rock :rock


How Greedo may have imagined his meeting with Han was going to turn out...​

