Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Grievous, Westworld & Kenobi!!!

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Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

71% is still respectable... and you could continually update it.

My 99% one looked nearly identical, but the updated one included the top of the R2 I needed to complete the collection:



:rock :rock :rock :rock

It was that signature and the Vintage Thread that started me down this road!:lol

6 months ago I had somewhere around 10 figures. They've been super fun to collect! Just missed out on a really nice looking Bespin Han last night. :( That's what I get for not just slapping a bigger bid on the damn thing.
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

SW shelves look great!

And Godzilla's tongue loooks like a surf board :lol
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

I like how you've got your gamorrean guard posed... Sorry, but I gots to steal that one. Cheers. :duff :wave
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

I like how you've got your gamorrean guard posed... Sorry, but I gots to steal that one. Cheers. :duff :wave

Have at it :duff

I briefly considered picking up the Gartogg just so I could have one with the axe and vibro staff... but that may have to wait. Getting a bit ridiculous when you have over $200 worth of Gammorean Guards :lol
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

Have at it :duff

I briefly considered picking up the Gartogg just so I could have one with the axe and vibro staff... but that may have to wait. Getting a bit ridiculous when you have over $200 worth of Gammorean Guards :lol

I've got Gartogg on pre-order from my local Canadian on-line retailer... But then I've still got my Hasbro guard with Jabba too (he'll have to go away soon) so it'll be gamorrean overload when he gets here.
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

I ended up selling my custom Hasbro one... I still think the paint I did on him was better than the production Sideshow. But the overall Sideshow figure is just so much better looking that he had to go.

Hasbro Repaint

Sideshow Production
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

I considered it... but damn the first Gammy was a lot of work and it desperately needed it. I don't know if I have another 8 hour Gammy repaint session in me :lol
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

Yeah... he's just a boring and drab (get it :lol) figure. I guess I'm happy I got him, but he'll be one of the first bumped off the shelf when I run out of room :lol

I can't get the fabric cap to look any better... the color difference is really highlighted by the photo (its not that bad in person) but the fabric one just looked funky to me.

Praji (even though he's on the Buck body) is a much cooler figure :lecture

Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

:lol Yeah, literally and figuratively, drab. :lecture

Have you tried water treating the fabric hats? That's what I did with Praji and it lays pretty nice on his head now. It took a ton of futzing but I like the way it looks.