Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!! Grievous, Westworld & Kenobi!!!

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Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

Good update. The Han and Luke look good and that Myers rocks!!

Thanks man, I'm pleased with them as well. Really happy with the Myers; my horror collection feels more complete now. Although I'm considering picking up that Asmus Scream figure... seems like a good summary of 90's horror.

Grimlock looks GREAT! :rock

He's a great figure :rock
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

Thanks Deak :rock I wish I had more room for TF... but those guys are space hogs. So just picking up a few select ones.

I think next I'd like to get Soundwave and a Megatron. May call it a day after that... at least for short period of time :lol
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

Cool additions! :rock I really dig my Stormie and Han set too. The shortened Luke looks great. Good to see you finally got Greedo as well.
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

I know man... I had 4 OT figures to get caught up on. Greedo is probably the best of the lot; just a killer figure all around :rock

The only one not pictured that I picked up was Piett; probably because he kind of sucks :lol
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

The only one not pictured that I picked up was Piett; probably because he kind of sucks :lol

:lol It's true, though. I tried repainting the eyes to maybe make him recognizeable. Didn't help. He still just looks like some random officer to me.
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

Yeah... its not like he's a terrible figure. But just so ho-hum that its hard to get very excited about him. I think I paid around $65 shipped so I can't complain... but just a meh figure.

Which is funny since Praji is a figure like a lot... but it helps he's all in black and looks pissed off :lol
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

Thanks man!

I need to reassemble the room (hopefully this week) to snap some full room shots.
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

My daughter really seems to be into action figures; here was one of the more interesting encounters:

[ame=""]‪Enter The Lily.wmv‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

Thats great, I did the same thing when I got my Bruce Lee in :rock :rock

How does this wife feel about another potential collector in house? :lol
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

What else could you do with a Bruce Lee :huh He's a tasty mofo.

The wife may be fearful that we will soon overwhelm her... but she has a few years to steer her away from the darkside :devil

Whats funny though is she seems to really react strongly to 1/6 figures. She enjoys playing with just about any toy, but will actually fight to hold the high-end ones. No DNA test needed, that baby is mine!!! :lol
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

Awesome video, GB! :clap

My 7-year-old daughter already has the collector mentality as well. When she gets a book or toy from a line or even when a seller included Watchmen Minimates in the Blu-ray set I bought recently, she always blurts out "I'm going to collect them all!"

My poor wife. :lol
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

Awesome video, GB! :clap

My 7-year-old daughter already has the collector mentality as well. When she gets a book or toy from a line or even when a seller included Watchmen Minimates in the Blu-ray set I bought recently, she always blurts out "I'm going to collect them all!"

My poor wife. :lol

I often tell my wife she knew what she was getting into when she married me :lol It's not my fault I'm so damn charming :huh

:lol You'll have to put a lock on that collection room door before too long then.

The door does lock... once she is able to open doors on her own (which she could if she were taller) that one will remain locked :panic:
Re: Galactiboy's Collection of Terror!!!

71% is still respectable... and you could continually update it.

My 99% one looked nearly identical, but the updated one included the top of the R2 I needed to complete the collection:



:rock :rock :rock :rock