So, does anyone still play MP on PS3? I've been trying to go back and get some of the trophies, and that has caused me to rediscover how awesome MP is, and I'd really like to play with some folks I know. PSN ID is delig81. Also, I got 100 % in the single player story after going back to my third annual replay of RDR. I have to play it again to get the "spurred to victory" trophy, but I'm already looking forward to it.
I think that Red Dead has conquered the Arkham Series as my favorite game of all time. I love the Arkham games, and they'll always hold a special place in my heart for finally giving me the Batman games I've always wanted, but RDR just has so much emotional gravitas. I used to dislike the ending because I didn't like Jack, but, as I've grown, I've discovered a newfound appreciation, and love, for it. It is the story coming full circle, and, as I've become less hateful of Jack, it's allowed me to overlook that and truly appreciate the story of how the west was lost. I also love the closure that the game brings, and the fact that I discover something new every time I play, like the newspapers.
Upon completing the game, I bought an edition of "The Blackwater Ledger". Upon reading it, I discovered a few things of interest to Red Dead fans:
-Landon Ricketts passed away in his sleep in the year 1914; he was in the process of writing a book.
-Professor Macdougal was arrested and fired for getting into a drunken brawl with another professor.
-Seth finally discovered his treasure. He rode into Blackwater with an untold amount of gold and precious stones.
-Irish was shot and killed in 1914.
-Abraham Reyes became a tyrant, just like Colonel Allende.