geez i suck at finding the treasures. with your guy's help i finally found the first, but now i can't find the second.
I'm hopeless!

Just made it to the third region. The city is awesome. I immediately tried to go kill a buffalo, but couldn't find any.
geez i suck at finding the treasures. with your guy's help i finally found the first, but now i can't find the second.I'm hopeless!
the second one is near a campsite and then you have to walk through what looks like a crevasse in the rock. I've found a real big campsite with a lot of broken tents and fires burning which I think it the campsite, but the ditch that leads out of it isn't as distinct of a crevasse as I found in a different location.
yep thats the one.
To redeem the code you have to be logged in to LIVE. They can only be used in Single Player I believe.Ill, do you have to be playing online to use the golden guns code?
Ok, guys....I'll be honest. late to the game...for those with both the 360 and PS3, which version should I get? I am leaning toward the the War Horse exclusive to just the PS3?
Thanks...being lazy...didnt scan the 146 pages!
Update: ok, saw the hairlesswookie comment...looks like 360 wins again
I want to petition Rockstar for a downloadable alternate ending in which:
John Marston lives
I'd say PS3(exclusive content)