Red or Green board display?

Collector Freaks Forum

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  • RED

    Votes: 10 22.2%

    Votes: 35 77.8%

  • Total voters
Where exactly is this? Can you provide a cropped screen shot?

On the red version these are aligned under the pictures of Whiplash, Iron man, Batman, Cap and Loki

On the red version these are aligned under the pictures of Whiplash, Iron man, Batman, Cap and Loki

There are some style differences between the two themes, I'm not sure how many of them are on purpose and how many by accident or a side-effect of making the forum variable width. The positioning of the menus is one of those things, very easy to fix the offset from the left side or even to keep it aligned with the image tiles since the header block is just centered on the screen at all times.

If I were implementing the HTML, Javascript and CSS for the site, I'd make the image list grow by additional tiles as the window is made wider, with its right side aligned to the right side of the window, with the board logo fixed in alignment to the left side, and I'd also keep the menu alignment a fixed distance from the left side of the window as it is now.
Crap how did i miss this? Green ahhhhhh..feels more like home now. Thanks for the heads up and thanks to DD for making this happen.