Remy's Toys!

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Re: Remy's Hawt Toys!

awesome collection , do you have pics from the full display ?

grts yves
Re: Remy's Hawt Toys!

Wow! Just caught up on all your stuff! Great pics and poses bro! High class all the way! :hi5:

Thanks again Bro. Oh, and I love your youtube response to that guy who was putting down customs. :hi5:
Some people just dont understand that its totally different when a figure is created by only one or 2 people compared to mass produced figure.

Hulk is gorgeous..... if that's a word you can use for Hulk.

Indeed he is.

awesome collection , do you have pics from the full display ?

grts yves

Thanks man. I do need to take a full display pic one of these days. I did a while back but that was when I was using an iphone for a camera, :lol.
I may do that next time I take some more pics.
Was wanting to take pics yesterday cause I was supposed to receive HT Superman but dang UPS guy decided to leave that Need sig note.
I hope Supes would be at my door when I come home tonight. :pray:
Re: Remy's Hawt Toys!

Fantastic updates as always mate.
Really looking forward to your pics of Supes, hope he gets to you soon!

Re: Remy's Hawt Toys!

Thank you so much Bob. I just picked up Superman and I cant wait to get home and open it up and put him on display.
I cant believe this figure is finally here after all the wait.
Oh, by the way, I'm stealing your pose of Captain Jack when I get mine. :)
Re: Remy's Hawt Toys!

Tried reading through to find the answer, but what hulk is that. Love it.
Re: Remy's Hawt Toys!

Great collection!
Great photos!
Great Posing!
And love the starkiller figure, can you give us the recipe for it
Re: Remy's Hawt Toys!

Tried reading through to find the answer, but what hulk is that. Love it.

I appreciate it.
Unfortunately, I dont have much info on that Hulk other than it was sold on ebay. I only found out about it when someone put a link to its ebay sale when the topic was about putting an Avenger Assembly Figures.
I tried searching recently on ebay cause I have got a couple of questions about it and unfortunately, I couldnt find any. The box it came with was just a plain brown box with nothing written on it whatsoever.

Great collection!
Great photos!
Great Posing!
And love the starkiller figure, can you give us the recipe for it

Thank you, I'm very happy how that bash turned out.
Its been awhile but from what I remember, the shirt and gloves were from HT blade, the pants were generic 1/6 pants from ebay. The knee pads were from HT comedian. The skirt is from 1/6 Asajj, and the shoulder pads were from SS Vader that was parted out. The figure is an Old HT true type with the prison guy face.
Most importantly, I highly highly highly suggest getting a lighsaber from a member here name Katkuru. He has a couple of post on the star wars custom thread. The lighsabers are amazing, its pretty cheap, and you can plug in the wall. Its what really brings that dio to life.
Re: Remy's Hawt Toys!




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Re: Remy's Hawt Toys!

Excellent Superman pics, Fernando :hi5: Such an awesome figure.
Re: Remy's Hawt Toys!



changed the faceplate to the stern looking one. I like it a lot better than the smiling one.
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Re: Remy's Hawt Toys!

Excellent Superman pics, Fernando :hi5: Such an awesome figure.

One of the best likeness in 1/6 scale. Arnie deserves all the accolade for this sculpt.

Great Pic's of Supes and The Bat; Remy

Thanks my friend. :)

Now that's what I'm talking about !!!! :clap:hi5::clap

Been waiting for your pics of Supes to make my wait a little easier and they really deliver !! Bravo sir !!!


Thanks Bob. One of the few times where I was giddy picking up a figure. After having numerous figures now, many times of course you're excited to get the new piece but this one is just nostalgic. I really laughed at myself cause I caught myself humming the superman theme while posing him for display. You'll absolutely love this sir.
Re: Remy's Hawt Toys!

Love the Superman shots, your pictures never cease to amaze, always top quality!!!
Re: Remy's Hawt Toys!

Glad you like them King.

Very nice to know all the long hours of setting it up, futzing and posing pays off. :)
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