He's actually an integral character to the series, at least the early series.
Ah, ok. Thanks guys. But is this is official 'introduction?' In re: 0? Or did I miss something in RE-1-3 and RE V X (you can tell I take the story way too seriously, lol)
Just got done playing Resident Evil Remake HD as Jill for first time. A couple things had bugged me the first time. Games asks what kind of hike you take, and I put the middle one, figuring that was Normal. Cofused when I didn't get that coroponding achievement. So, apparently that was Easy, as this time I chose the top option and got the achievement for completing on Normal. And now, I have the option for Hard. LOL, and here I thought I was being a badass...
Playthrough in a little over 9 hours.
Got her Terminator 2 outfit.
Found this particular playthrough to be really fascinating. Never heard of the stair slide until now.
Hope its cool to post here. That's not me, nor do I know the guy.
So, serious question: do we assume that poor Rebecca gets away in any ending? Or does she just hang out in the piano room until its time to save Chris from Plant 42, then blow up with the mansion at the end? Which was the ending I just got, which was cool. This remake was done with a lot of love and considering its a port from 2002, I hope Capcom goes all out with the Resident Evil 2 Remake HD. Pretty pumped to see that one updated.
Leaving for work soon, will start RE: 0 next. Pretty pumped for that one, too, though people seem to not like it. Look of it is quite nice to me.