yea im pretty sure this Cod game will be as scripted and as linear than this game and it will still get a high score. Cod is the twilight of gaming. Pure overhyped nonsense.
Im a pure original REmake/Zero/2/3/Outbreak fan of RE. I didnt like RE4, I didnt like RE5 became an action adventure game with a very poor story trying to use previous games' draws to keep the sales up. All it is now, is using a name which old fans adore, and filling it with big set pieces and explosions and lots of gunfighting. And that is all RE6 is, its a poorly done, very drawn out and chore-filled experience with very poor AI.
...Dead space to me, is how RE shouldve gone. It had fantastic story, great atmosphere, great narrative and story telling, it filled me with intrigue and it had a good amount of action. DS2 was also superb; it upped the action in line with the experiences of the main protagonist, but it still kept alot of the survival horror elements, it still had creepy atmosphere and like the old style RE; the environments TOLD a story of normal peoples desperate attempts to survive or barricade themself in, or giving themself to the marker.
Not gonna quote all that.
First of all, RE has never been about great story. Its always have been predictable, Even from the very first game. It had cheesy funny dialogues. And its always have been an action adventure horror. The creepy atmospheric horror elements have always been for Silent Hill.
One thing though that RE has done since day one that has been always consistent is one thing, fun fun fun.
Its not super scary, but it has great atmosphere with lots of action to keep the game fun.
I finished Leon's campaign last weekend and I freaking love it. Its a great addition to the series. What's cool is that even with finishing his campaign, I still have Chris, Jake's, and Ada's to finish. That's is insanely great length for Resident Evil.
I've only played the first Dead Space. And while the first couple of level's were great, it became a chore halfway through. I felt like the character became a chore boy towards the end.
Isaac, you need to find this to open that...Isaac, get to this place cause this wont open...Isaac, you'll need to get this...As much as I like the game, at the end, I felt like I was making myself finish the game instead of enjoying it. Overall, It was still a good game but it lacks what Resident Evil does, keep a lot of things different and to keep the game feeling fresh through out.
I even like the quick time events cause it keeps you on your toes. Many times, I let my guard down thinking its gonna be a cinematic scene next then, bam...
Is RE 6 the all time great? No, but its fun as hell and that's all that matters.
What's stupid about jakes campagine is that "nemesis leatherface thing " can take bullet shots from a chopper, but is weak when getting hit from a fist...really?
Another annoying thing, in all 3 campagines, is the final bosses keeps returning 3-4 times. This did happen in previous re games, but not to this extent...and as a annoying QTE.
Ustanak is awesome. I really want a HT of him
Ustanak is awesome. I really want a HT of him
Ustanak is awesome. I really want a HT of him
They won't make him he won't sell like the predator.
Theres a very low chance. However, tweek the Avengers Hulk body...They won't make him he won't sell like the predator.
It's funny, but Hot Toys isn't in this game "for the fans", though at one point, I think we liked to think that. Anything classic or what not I'm convinced we have to fend for ourselves. I mean.. this is company who got the MGS license and their first release isn't Solid Snake.
To be fair. They did make STARS Chris and Wesker and RPD Leon. All though they were alt costumes in the game they were not the only alt costumes they could of went with. They didnt need to make them at all. But it would be a bit stupid of them to cater to classic RE fans giving there is no coinciding game to go with the figures they are trying to shift. So the only "old school" stuff we will see is an alt costume from a newer game. But, that being said this game has alt costumes in the 32 bit style and accuracy of the original games... so id love that if it were to ever come to light.It's funny, but Hot Toys isn't in this game "for the fans", though at one point, I think we liked to think that.
What's stupid about jakes campagine is that "nemesis leatherface thing " can take bullet shots from a chopper, but is weak when getting hit from a fist...really?
Another annoying thing, in all 3 campagines, is the final bosses keeps returning 3-4 times. This did happen in previous re games, but not to this extent...and as a annoying QTE.