Milla has 858,719 followers on twitter. There are 1,589,936 people that have liked the Resident Evil facebook page. So even if "alot" of game fans cried, _____ed and moaned and didn't buy the game (which to be honest I've seen "alot" of fans saying ORC looks like crap from the start) then you'd still have 858,719 potentional costumers to supplement the loss.
Well I asked Milla if capcom has contacted her about RE:ORC and she sent me a direct message reply saying "Nope! They have not". I'm sure that will make iron happy since he seems to want things done for him and the other haters instead of the entire Resident Evil fan base.
Well I asked Milla if capcom has contacted her about RE:ORC and she sent me a direct message reply saying "Nope! They have not". I'm sure that will make iron happy since he seems to want things done for him and the other haters instead of the entire Resident Evil fan base.
Dont know why your saying haters. not everyone going to agree. The entire RE fanbase doesnt want alice you have to think about the people.
Just the places I've been to say that. But yes most people more than anything want the horror back and are mad at revelations and Orc.
The problem with integrating Alice into a mainline RE game is that they'd have the Herculean task of retconning history to fit her into it, and no one wants that. If they just want Alice/Milla in one as a wholly new character unrelated to the films, then that'd be something else entirely, but at that point they might as well create a new character.
I like Milla. I'm fine with Alice being in a game like ORC, because that isn't a real RE game.
i know why people dont like the movie's and love the games. But, quite often its because they think Alice is a bland character. I think its just because of the events of the movies compared to the games and the fact the movies are hands off and that with the games YOU are in the game and YOU are playing the events. So people seem to give the game characters more credit than they are worth. because as somebody who plays some of any RE game at least a few times a day all the fan favourite characters are pretty bland.
The game in its entire run has only ever had a hand full of characters with personality and the main one died at the end of the last game. Chris Redfield is an incredible bore now. He is just token all american muscle jock guy with a sense of justice and right and no opinions of his own (seriously they could of put anybody in the lead role of RE 5 and it would of been the exact same game). Jill was an airhead to start with then a woman in Nemesis and Mature in 5 so she has evolved. Claire has always been the loving heart of the franchise with her motherly care taking of Sherry then falling for Steve.
Leon, i dont get the hate for him. I think he had the best game and scariest experience in RE 2. Then after the events becomes some hardened super soldier. He has a great personality in RE4. Is it just the hair why people dont like him?
Either way i dont think Alice is half as boring as Chris Redfield is these days and he is the poster boy for RE.
Might as well call the movies alice aswell. he's just a popular character. Just ccause he has weird hair doesnt mean he isnt a badass. Dude kicks peoples heads and they explode lol. What happpened to his reddish hair.