Resident Evil: Retribution

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This is going down a bad, bad road...

Hey, so how 'bout that giant Licker, huh?
I just hope Jill and her men get enough screen time. At the end of Extinction, I got the impression that we were going to be in for a huge battle at the start of Afterlife, one that would take half a movie to finish (whatwith planning, infiltrating, and the actual killing). But all we got was a ten-minute spiel that would've been over in less than two if it wasn't in slow motion. What we see in these new posters looks promising, it'd just be nice to spread those moments out through the whole film so it doesn't feel lopsided.
The only thing I hated about Afterlife is Wentworth Miller... ugh! I hope gets recast for RE6. LOL
Yeah, he's not much of a Chris Redfield. Then again, I'd say the single worst actor in Afterlife was the guy who played Wesker. His accent sounded too fake and he looked too young. That and his haircut was ridiculous at the back (just saying, he looked more like a mobster than a CEO-turned-martial arts master).
I want Joe Manganiello to play Chris and Micheal Fassbender to play Wesker. Thank you!
it looks ____. Re4 was ____, RE5 was ____. When the games are inspired by thr films, you know its ____. i dont mind the mentally challenged enjoying tje films, i hope ya do. But there is no way in hell you can say these films are good unless your actually retarded
it looks ____. Re4 was ____, RE5 was ____. When the games are inspired by thr films, you know its ____. i dont mind the mentally challenged enjoying tje films, i hope ya do. But there is no way in hell you can say these films are good unless your actually retarded

Fernando, what was it like when you had Christopher Nolan's wang surgically installed into your butt?
Uh... these posters make Retribution seem pretty damn cool, if you ask me. I've played the games, I've seen the movies, but I've always considered them two seperate entities. The overall tone, however, remains the same. Look at how the games have evolved over the years. More and more (especially with RE5), it's getting to be all about ridiculously good-looking people using kung-fu and Matrix-esque gunplay to blow the undead into oblivion.

I don't care if people enjoy the movies and it has no effect on me, but I don't think the part in bold is a good thing at all. I miss survival horror style Resident Evil games.
Yea man, dont troll this thread. . .we get it, you dont like the movies, youve made that clear. But dont come in here trying to drag down everyone else who enjoy them. Go back to your batman thread
Yea man, dont troll this thread. . .we get it, you dont like the movies, youve made that clear. But dont come in here trying to drag down everyone else who enjoy them. Go back to your batman thread

:exactly:Stop trolling and act your age man. :lecture