Resident Evil: Retribution

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Yes I did say that iron. Batman is the one that has super high tech make believe mini jets, Resident Evil has Ospreys (aircraft that are real). The licker isn't as big as the concept poster makes it out to be. And video games are almost entirely devoid of suspense since they are designed with so many safety nets for the player that "death" is meaningless and is only frustrating because you have to redo stuff you've already done. There were Nintendo games the had harsher penalties for failure than most games that exists on the market today.

Bio, you might have to travel if you wanted to check it out in real life. These are the locations and dates the thing is supposed to be following.
1-2 June
8 June
• POZNAN, Poland
10 June
• WARSAW, Poland
13 June
• ROME, Italy
18 June
You know what's funny? Capcom OWNS Resident Evil down to the smallest margin. Whatever Capcom wants, happens. If Capcom hated Paul W.S. Anderson's Resident Evil films so much why wouldn't they take it away from him? If Capcom didn't like Paul's Resident Evil films they can take the rights away from him and shut down the series just like that. Now tell me, it's been 10 years now. Why hasn't Capcom gotten rid of Anderson yet? It's not like Capcom themselves are being brilliant with the story-lines in their games either at the moment. Even they squandered all the intrigue that was originally behind the games. It's all about money and they're going continue milking the name RESIDENT EVIL. We'll probably see a 70 year old Chris still fighting B.O.W.s and smashing giant boulders.

Plus no one is making you watch it but YOU! Seems you focus way too much on how much you dislike these films, it's sad...

Capcom doesn't want to stop it because it makes millions. If it's broke, and people love it, don't fix it. :lol

It's the same reason why Bay can never ever ever leave Transformers.
Bio, you might have to travel if you wanted to check it out in real life. These are the locations and dates the thing is supposed to be following.
1-2 June
8 June
• POZNAN, Poland
10 June
• WARSAW, Poland
13 June
• ROME, Italy
18 June

Rasberries...well here's hoping some make it to the states.
That sucks... And I agree! Or someone can take me. :p lol

Aren't they going to San Diego? Not sure.

Glad the movies NEVER introduced Tricell or Los Illuminados or Il Veltro from Revelations.

see this is what I dont get and what sounds so stupid, everyone in the movies is dead, who the F__ is she talking to in that video?

this is trying to be this but too hard :slap

Maybe she thinks that there is others out there besides her trying to fight Umbrella maybe saving the human race. She only started the camera in RE2 with Terry's camera to share it with the world. Then she started doing video journals in Afterlife hoping some one would find them...

If you read the novels Jill after the events the of RE2 she went started or joined another convoy.
The game has "zombies" throwing axes and molotov cocktails at you. ;) Some are even firing machine guns. But they're are called Majinis or Plaga zombies. FYI.
RE film fans; Hope your hanging your head in shame at what you've helped do to the franchise;



Absolute, disgraces these films are

Uh... these posters make Retribution seem pretty damn cool, if you ask me. I've played the games, I've seen the movies, but I've always considered them two seperate entities. The overall tone, however, remains the same. Look at how the games have evolved over the years. More and more (especially with RE5), it's getting to be all about ridiculously good-looking people using kung-fu and Matrix-esque gunplay to blow the undead into oblivion.

If anything, Afterlife was simply the movie franchise catching up to its video game counterparts. :) Retribution just strikes me as an elaboration on what Afterlife started, but with -- thankfully -- more to see and enjoy. Think of the films as sophisticated, nichey popcorn flicks. In other words: like Transformers, but better. :D
Too bad the biker zombie doesnt have a bag on his face and is wearing some long johns and overalls! Would be sweet to see em gang up on leon :lol
Uh... these posters make Retribution seem pretty damn cool, if you ask me. I've played the games, I've seen the movies, but I've always considered them two seperate entities. The overall tone, however, remains the same. Look at how the games have evolved over the years. More and more (especially with RE5), it's getting to be all about ridiculously good-looking people using kung-fu and Matrix-esque gunplay to blow the undead into oblivion.

If anything, Afterlife was simply the movie franchise catching up to its video game counterparts. :) Retribution just strikes me as an elaboration on what Afterlife started, but with -- thankfully -- more to see and enjoy. Think of the films as sophisticated, nichey popcorn flicks.

Uh... these posters make Retribution seem pretty damn cool, if you ask me. I've played the games, I've seen the movies, but I've always considered them two seperate entities. The overall tone, however, remains the same. Look at how the games have evolved over the years. More and more (especially with RE5), it's getting to be all about ridiculously good-looking people using kung-fu and Matrix-esque gunplay to blow the undead into oblivion.

If anything, Afterlife was simply the movie franchise catching up to its video game counterparts. :) Retribution just strikes me as an elaboration on what Afterlife started, but with -- thankfully -- more to see and enjoy. Think of the films as sophisticated, nichey popcorn flicks. In other words: like Transformers, but better. :D

i cant believe im saying this, but, at least tranformers was fun, it was entertaining, it had a good enough story, it had action, good effects, funny gags,

Resident evil afterlife was boring, it had a lot of dead moments (no pun intended) first half of the movie is super boring, we are introduced to dull characters we dont care about, the alice clones were disposed of rather TOO convenient for the plot, Alice was made human yet she is still Superman, it had a couple of good scenes of killing zombies but it was not enough,

maybe you are right, if this movie is at least as fun as transformers it might be good,
That's what I meant. Afterlife was sort of the start of a new "formula" for the movies to follow and it did feel a little empty, despite its good moments. Retribution looks like it has the same style, but with more going on.

Well, we can hope.
Excuse me...



No, it was good, it was fine. It simply wasn't as, um... epic as I would've liked. Okay, maybe not epic, but eventful. What it had was great, I just wish there was more to it. Luckily, Retribution seems like it'll deliver.
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