Resident Evil: Retribution

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RE film fans; Hope your hanging your head in shame at what you've helped do to the franchise;



Absolute, disgraces these films are
Only thing disgraceful I see is your trolling post. :huh

How is it trolling? The first film was quite good. Now theres zombies with chainsaws looking like some form of Umbrella Nazi's riding motorcycles, and Godlickerzilla.

Its just, beyond unreal. I dont know who the hell dreams this crap up. Its humiliating to the genre. Seriously, how could this be entertaining unless your actually mentally challenged?
How is it trolling? The first film was quite good. Now theres zombies with chainsaws looking like some form of Umbrella Nazi's riding motorcycles, and Godlickerzilla.

Its just, beyond unreal. I dont know who the hell dreams this crap up. Its humiliating to the genre. Seriously, how could this be entertaining unless your actually mentally challenged?

I don't see how this is anymore jumping the shark than RE4 and beyond which didn't have zombies. :huh
How is it trolling? The first film was quite good. Now theres zombies with chainsaws looking like some form of Umbrella Nazi's riding motorcycles, and Godlickerzilla.

Its just, beyond unreal. I dont know who the hell dreams this crap up. Its humiliating to the genre. Seriously, how could this be entertaining unless you actually mentally challenged?

Even though the idea is far fetched for a giant licker, it just makes me think about the el gigante monsters from re4 and 5. As far as for what would translate better for the big screen, I think the giant licker works better than something that just looks like a giant bald headed man with a troll face. The licker looks more sinister than the gigante monsters by design, so I can see why they would choose it to be the giant for the movie series. That doesn't mean I support the giant licker though. Still....WHERE ARE THE HUNTERS.
I don't see how this is anymore jumping the shark than RE4 and beyond which didn't have zombies. :huh

I stopped watching after 2 to be honest. That was a joke because I didnt get how in 1, a licker kills and becomes a Licter. Then in 2, a Licker kills and..... stays a licker.

That and they started making Alice miss invincible and that just takes everything away from the film knowing the main character never has the chance of being killed. Then something about her being a clone of a million bajillion invincibles and killing Carlos off only for them to be clones with Rain and umbrellas all over the world and zombies arent zombies and OH THERES AN UNEXPLAINED RANDOM MAJINI OVER THERE, and the executioner scene is in full slow motion and when alice hits the bathroom wall after being thrown the wall bounces like a sponge


I only peaked when they said Leon was in this. Then I saw him and peaked out after there was loads of planes out of Terminator and now nazi bike riding zombies with chainsaws. Im just waiting for Optimus prime and Michael Bay to join in

To be honest, RE4 didnt make sense anyway, so El Gigante was from lord of the rings. I hated the game franchise after Outbreak. A super huge licter lickerzilla is just as bad as el gigante. Neither make sense, and how the hell could they even create something about the size of a skyscraper anyway? They cant say its killed so many people its transformed XD

I wish they kept the style of the first film. I enjoyed that. Everyone was vulnerable, you didnt know who would be killed next. It was a proper horror film with good atmosphere and good soundtrack. But then he went for a second film......
The Transformers and Skynet HKs are in the new Batman movie, not the Resident Evil films. The V22-Osprey is a real aircraft and that is what is in the films.

Oh and the giant licker was in the teaser trailer and it wasn't anywhere near the size of what is shown in the concept poster.

Also, I've never understood the complaint "Alice has super powers so it takes away from the suspense". Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't the game characters virtually invincible even with out powers? Nothing can stop them, not even the newest "ultimate weapon of the year" has a chance of actually killing any of the main characters. And since video games have saves and checkpoints doesn't that in itself defeat the entire purpose is building suspense and fear for a character's life? If you die you can just start over, it isn't like the game forces oh to start over from the beginning.
You know what's funny? Capcom OWNS Resident Evil down to the smallest margin. Whatever Capcom wants, happens. If Capcom hated Paul W.S. Anderson's Resident Evil films so much why wouldn't they take it away from him? If Capcom didn't like Paul's Resident Evil films they can take the rights away from him and shut down the series just like that. Now tell me, it's been 10 years now. Why hasn't Capcom gotten rid of Anderson yet? It's not like Capcom themselves are being brilliant with the story-lines in their games either at the moment. Even they squandered all the intrigue that was originally behind the games. It's all about money and they're going continue milking the name RESIDENT EVIL. We'll probably see a 70 year old Chris still fighting B.O.W.s and smashing giant boulders.

Plus no one is making you watch it but YOU! Seems you focus way too much on how much you dislike these films, it's sad...



Glad the movies NEVER introduced Tricell or Los Illuminados or Il Veltro from Revelations.
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