Rick O’Connell Premium Format Figure – The Mummy

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I liked this piece, but I'm kind of relieved that it's cancelled, since I don't got money for it anyway.
Now I know how Indy felt when the ground swallowed up the Holy Grail! :)
yeah. l think this is Sideshows biggest fail ever.

Even bigger than the Van Helsing pf? Because that was a pretty big dud. I hope they didnt pay an individual licensing fee for this, just for it turn out as scrapped. That will cost them money and they will look to recoup their losses by raising prices on future items

If Universals Monsters( both classic and modern )are lumped together and not separate licenses, they could have made a killer Wolfman pf from the new film. It wouldve sold better than this. Universal also owns Psycho now. They couldve done bates and mother. Come to think of it, any Universal property wouldve been better than Rick. I guess thats why he's scrapped.:lol
If the likenesses were as good as old Rick here, I'm not sure they would have sold much better.

the sculpt looked like what Brandon Frasier looked like when he was maybe 10 years old. chubby cheeks, and just a look like he hasn't gone threw puberty yet.:lol
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Even bigger than the Van Helsing pf? Because that was a pretty big dud. I hope they didnt pay an individual licensing fee for this, just for it turn out as scrapped. That will cost them money and they will look to recoup their losses by raising prices on future items

If Universals Monsters( both classic and modern )are lumped together and not separate licenses, they could have made a killer Wolfman pf from the new film. It wouldve sold better than this. Universal also owns Psycho now. They couldve done bates and mother. Come to think of it, any Universal property wouldve been better than Rick. I guess thats why he's scrapped.:lol

they prolly just payed for the license i would imagine. I wouldnt mind seeing a mummy pf, which is what this produt should have been to begin with. One of those Anubis monsters would be bad ass, but prolly wouldnt sell very good. I imagine we will see something from the movies but prolly only a one and done piece. I already asked if they would do a wolfman piece from the new movie, they flat out said no, but your right, if done right, one could have sold better than this by far.
If they did get the Wolfman license, I'd bet the first product offered would be a PF of Hugo Weaving's character. :lol
I do feel a little sorry for the people that liked and ordered this piece, but I'm glad that this essentially will serve as a message to SS. No more duds. Specially with the NRD in place.

I 100% agree. It's great to see fans draw all those right lines in the sand.