I had the same feeling, and for this reason it makes me think much more that this movie will be a real crap
I do,nt know why the original predator design (exatly the same) appears in this movie.. I mean, they could respect the Winston design, (net,similar armor, face) but with some changes, or minor changes lke the bio, colors, different armor parts...
Not read the plot yet but;
Is he the same predator from predator 1??... If not, then it does not make any sense
About the "Ugly" preds.. well, I liked the initial and conceptual idea for the characters, but I dislike all and each of the choices they have takken for the costume design (colors, armors, bios, shapes...) and global appearance...Du,no how to explain it, but they look "cheap" to me.(they look weird, ugly and you can see it,s a guy shamelessly tucked into the suit

)... however, I like the new menacing look for their faces.

(This is the only thing I like it)