Robocop (2014)

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Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

Except for those tire covers, the squad car looks good.

I don't have a problem with the new suit. It looks how a modern cyborg would look. :dunno

If I want to see the original Robocop, I'll just pop in the bluray.
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?


this looks pretty cool,
let's just hope Robocop is Chrome from what they said
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

Except for those tire covers, the squad car looks good.

I don't have a problem with the new suit. It looks how a modern cyborg would look. :dunno

If I want to see the original Robocop, I'll just pop in the bluray.

So you dug the accelerator suits in ROC then. HA! I KNEW IT! :lol
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

From Dan Luvisi's FB page:

"To everyone freaking out over the new Robocop design, that is NOT the final look. I was lucky enough to have seen the majority of the concepts, and I can promise it is way cooler than that.

What was shown was either test, framing, or the stunt suit/under layer suit that he wears. The final has chrome, is robotic, and is designed by some insanely badass artists.

Rest assured."

I hope they are right.... Not impressed so far. :pray:

Now the car looks great on the other hand. :yess:
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

New Robocop suit. Sorry if posted already. I see Judge Dredd/Batman but no robocop:gah:


Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

I see a lot of Appleseed and Ghost in the Shell in this suit. Maybe even some Master Chief. I just hope the movie is still rated R. Robocop has to have beautiful eligant violence and lots of it.
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

^ There's no way it will be.

It's a cash grab, banking on the name alone. Kids will love to see it because they heard about it once. And the old one is "cheesy and lame".
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

Except for those tire covers, the squad car looks good.

I don't have a problem with the new suit. It looks how a modern cyborg would look. :dunno

If I want to see the original Robocop, I'll just pop in the bluray.


My thoughts exactly to be honest. If I want to watch the original I can. I want to see something a little different also :dunno
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

^ Different is good. But this is wrong.

It needs to be robotic looking. That design looks like a suit of armor. He could look like a Bay former for all I care, but he needs to have the look of something that isn't a quite human. He's RoboCop, not SuitCop.

And that's my issue with it. I don't buy he's a robot. Even a super advanced one.
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

^ Different is good. But this is wrong.

It needs to be robotic looking. That design looks like a suit of armor. He could look like a Bay former for all I care, but he needs to have the look of something that isn't a quite human. He's RoboCop, not SuitCop.

And that's my issue with it. I don't buy he's a robot. Even a super advanced one.

Point taken

Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

I wasn't trying to bring you down or nothin...:lol

I'd even take something Terminator Esq. Something no human being could be inside.
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

^ There's no way it will be.

It's a cash grab, banking on the name alone. Kids will love to see it because they heard about it once. And the old one is "cheesy and lame".

^ Different is good. But this is wrong.

It needs to be robotic looking. That design looks like a suit of armor. He could look like a Bay former for all I care, but he needs to have the look of something that isn't a quite human. He's RoboCop, not SuitCop.

And that's my issue with it. I don't buy he's a robot. Even a super advanced one.

yep, you are completely right, there is no way it can be R, I mean, it could but they would lose a lot of money,

and you are very right about the suit, it looks like a man is in there, it does not look like a machine, just looks like a regular guy in a suit
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

I wasn't trying to bring you down or nothin...:lol

I'd even take something Terminator Esq. Something no human being could be inside.


No you made a valid point. I want different but I can agree with your argument of him not looking quite robot enough.
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

Different is good, but its not different to me, I think it looks too much like an Iron Man suit. Photoshop Downey's face on there and no one would think it wasn't a new mark suit, all its missing is an arc reactor in the chest.
Re: Robocop....making a comeback?

I'm gonna paint my old MK III black. Instant Robocop :yess:
