Rogue Comiquette

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Havok said that his was arriving today....must not have been able to snap pics yet. SF is begging for pics on this as well. I like to go standard for these, the prints are just reminders of how "off" the statue is from the Adam Hughes imagination of it (Yes, I know Allison that Adam approves it all, and likes the way it looks and that the art is done after the initial statue but you can't deny that no 3D piece has fully captured Adam's styling 100% and these while good still are not close while impressive still in their own right and a nice representation of what can be put out there.) look at Adam's painting of Rogue's smiling face.


Then look at the Comiquette's face:


The faces are completely different, both excellent but both different. So I don't need Adam's print to show me what could have been. All of his prints are vastly different than the piece's faces but then I guess not being able to capture his drawing is what makes him unique. This isn't a dig at the piece itself just a pointing out about how they are two different ladies all together....

That being said at the end of this rant its that I like the Rogue piece but always planned to go regular and am anxious to see if the paint apps on the production will look as good as the protos so I can pick her up. So where are those pics? :lol

Allison do you have any to share?
That's why the sculpture is "based" on AH painting, instead being a copy of it. I also wished it looked more like the drawing, but still looks great,

Actually if you want to get technical there is control art that Adam gives to Tim Miller or whomever sculpts it that is completely new and individualized save the look for it and that is how the piece is finished then based on the finished piece Adam does a drawing/painting of it in his traditional style and that is the accompanying piece to the sculpture itself. That the painting is not even done until the piece is completed..... Or at least that is what I was led to believe....
Okay here's my little review for the Rogue Comiquette, I received #237/1500. First off I want to say that I'm completely satisfied with this piece. The first thing I noticed was the eyes, to me anyway it looks like they changed them so that they aren't as high as they were in the proto pics, and I'm very happy they made that change. About 3 of the bricks are separate pieces that slide into place on the base, one actually slides into place on her left knee. The hand with the stretched glove is a separate piece as well. The only minor gripe I have is with the hand with the stretched glove, after you connect the hand to her arm, you can see a small separation there, but it's not that noticeable at all. This is my first AH Comiquette and I'm incredibly happy with it, Rogue is indeed a beauty......Here's a few quick pics I took, one set without flash and one set with flash. The lighting is pretty terrible in my living room for taking pictures, so I apologize for that. I'll try to take some tomorrow outside in natural lighting. Enjoy guys, and any questions shoot them my way.





Man thanks for posting the pics, she is absolutely stunning! I cannot wait to get her on my shelf!!!
I absolutely love her. My favorite in this line is still MJ but this is a very close second. I'll have to look around for a place to get her.
Thank you for the pics Havok...please tell us how better she looks in person :monkey3
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Thank you for the pics Havok...please tell us how better she looks in person :monkey3

Oh yeah she looks better in person. My pics are close up but when you view her in person from a normal perspective, shes drop dead gorgeous. I'm 100% satisfied, and I hope everyone else gets theirs soon. :chew
Man, I'm glad I didn't cancel this piece. I was SO close to because of how long it took. I was mostly worried about the giraffe neck, but doesn't seem to be a problem. Great pics.
Okay here's my little review for the Rogue Comiquette, I received #237/1500. First off I want to say that I'm completely satisfied with this piece. The first thing I noticed was the eyes, to me anyway it looks like they changed them so that they aren't as high as they were in the proto pics, and I'm very happy they made that change. About 3 of the bricks are separate pieces that slide into place on the base, one actually slides into place on her left knee. The hand with the stretched glove is a separate piece as well. The only minor gripe I have is with the hand with the stretched glove, after you connect the hand to her arm, you can see a small separation there, but it's not that noticeable at all. This is my first AH Comiquette and I'm incredibly happy with it, Rogue is indeed a beauty......Here's a few quick pics I took, one set without flash and one set with flash. The lighting is pretty terrible in my living room for taking pictures, so I apologize for that. I'll try to take some tomorrow outside in natural lighting. Enjoy guys, and any questions shoot them my way.

I was talking to Mr. Hughes at SDCC this year and he was telling me about the assembly process of Rogue. I mentioned I was concerned about the glove and if he thought it would be breakable, and he said his piece was fine and the only thing that gave him a little bit of trouble was trying to figure out how to assemble all the break-away bricks as they were each their own separate piece. I really want to get this statue now.

So after Black Queen, what is that, only one more to go. :monkey2

Once I have them all, I'll have the exclusive prints framed.
They originally slated six. Allison (DarthSaffron) already confirmed that SSC wants more because they are hits. I think she even mentioned that three more are already being sculpted either here or on StatueForum...