Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *SPOILERS*

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Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

I can never unsee the original Emperor vision from 1980.

The last time I saw anything close to the original theatrical films were the special edition VHS back in the 90's, so I don't even remember Lucas changing the look of the Emperor.


Saw the original scene on YouTube :horror

He had a bad case of conjunctivitis it seems.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Looking back at the trailers, there's a huge number of shots that are not in the movie or they were redone/repurposed. Given the shots of her running on the beach in the battle while carrying the plans I'm wondering if originally she might have survived the movie.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

None of the characters are relatable; at least for me. I really tried hard to stay awake during the first hour or so, and was glad when the whole thing was over and got to see Vader in action.

TFA was miles better than this. It truly felt like I'm watch a SWfil. This feels like one of those good YouTube fan made films, the costumes etc were good, but it doesn't feel like a SW movie to me.

This to a T
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Dumb question. They avoided using John Williams score through out the movie, but i just realized the end credits stops caring about it... i find it lame

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Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

That 3rd act not enough to make it a 7

No. I mean the Vader stuff was awesome and all. But, that's all i cared about at all. Nothing else in the movie i cared about, and i wanted to. Oh well it's a spin-off, and i didn't expect it to be on par with the Saga films.

Just for reference i give TFA 7.5
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Let's name the TOP 5 VADER MOMENTS (from the movies only)

1. the scene we're currently talking about (no spoilers, right?)
2. Vader vs. Luke in the Carbon Freezing Chamber
3. "I am your father"
4. Vader greets Han for dinner on Cloud City
5. Vader 'questions' Capt. Antilles

OMG -- I thought ANH had a lot more great Vader moments.

More of a screenshot but I've always loved the moment after Han is frozen and you see Vader through the smoke. That moment shows the great villain even under a mask with no expression. :clap
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Why didn't they have more a love interest between Jyn and Cassian or have her die reuniting with her father instead on the beach.

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Thank god they didn't have more love between them. Not every story needs a love story.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Anyone notice the Ghost parked outside on Yavin when they first arrive? And you see it two times in the end battle. Also, Chopper rolls by to the left before they take off from Yavin in the stolen imperial cargo ship. And even though they don't show the name of Vader's lava planet, it's most likely Had Abbadon from the original draft of RotJ.

Wow I missed all of them the only thing y was able to catch was that syndulla was called from the radio. I will have to watch it again to see if it's true
Love that they are conecting both series and movies.
Maybe someday Ashoka will apear

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Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

a true love letter to the OT. and that vader scene, my pulse is still running. (that could be the deathsticks though)
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Saw it and surprisingly enjoyed it.

I think it's about a 7/10

It ranks in my top 3 Star Wars films so far.

1. Empire
2. Star Wars
3. Rogue One
4. Return of the Jedi
5. Phantom Menace
6. Revenge of the Sith
7. The Force Awakens
8. Attack of the Clones

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Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

And even though they don't show the name of Vader's lava planet, it's most likely Had Abbadon from the original draft of RotJ.

Nope, it's Mustafar.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Ok, here goes....

Did their story need to be told, of course not it didn't and it also could've been told a million different ways.

But whatever, it's a new SW movie, i'm there, the OT era can't be alone forever.

I went into this spoiler free and this time it helped tremendously, seeing some scenes and cameos materialize absolutely floored me.

I was angry watching TFA opening night but I have since come to peace with it.

This movie created no anger in me, instead I watched a very Star Wars looking and feeling movie and that brought me great joy I have not felt since 1983.

If anything, the aliens and space battles in this really makes TFA pale in comparison.

This movie deserves the crawl, not TFA.

This is how I wanted to feel last year!

Ok, i'm going to jump all over the place here.

The first (slow) hour was its weakest, but not horrible either and the 3rd act more than made up for it.

Some non existent character building and some characters that were not even required.

Donnie Yen kicked ass but was his character really needed, funny line given to him though and his delivery of it was perfect.

Yeah the rebellion voting not to attack just to attack anyways later on felt forced just to create tension but you know what, whatever, it worked in the sense that it allowed for a great calvary fist pounding arrival excitement.

Unfortunately I didn't not think that the soundtrack was all that good.

Krennic was good, he looks amazing but I see some are saying he was a pushover bullied by Tarkin lol.

So here's the thing, maybe that's how it should be. I'm sure Disney had major discussions on if Krennic should be more evil and powerful than Tarkin or if he should be a pushover and I think they made the right decision keeping Tarkin the alpha Nazi. Even when Tarkin was giving praise to Krennic you just knew he was up to no good lol.

Krennic being taken out by a weapon that he said look beautiful while destroying a planet was truly proper justice done right.

Good job on Disney going dark with these character arcs, made Leia's hope comment all the more poignant.

Btw Tarking looked like Tarkin this time lol. Sorry Lucas your attempt failed.

Vader, while quirky in an way, was an absolute beast in that last scene, an absolute beast.

The WARS part was strong in this movie, brilliant for going there.

They all had to die, we all knew that going in but honestly it was still powerful seeing Jyn and her group being taken out, especially by a weapon her father created, killed his daughter..yikes..powerful stuff.

The aliens were absolutely fantastic in this, felt much more SW than TFA did. Great looking aliens and lots of them. Evazan's cameo had my jaw on the ground.

Gold leader's cameo floored me.

Leia's cameo absolutely knocked me out, mind = blown.

The X-Wing's were slowed down which is much more bad ass than their fast counter parts in TFA.

Yes I know some will hate seeing women in the squadron but what are you going to do, I didn't let it bother me.

Great call back to ROTJ with the Star Destroyer nose diving causing destruction.

Jesus H Christ seeing the rebel fleet coming in out of hyper drive just melted me lol.

I almost gave up on the non existent 3D until the 3rd act came in and made it very worthwhile, just gorgeous and I don't want to ever watch that 3rd act in non 3D!

Death Star was freaking gorgeous and menacing.

Vader's planet rocked!

Great heroic moments in this.

Planet destructions very well handled.

Rebellion was well handled, dirty and morally grey at times.

So in a way this is like ROTJ but does it have more or less weak parts than ROTJ is the question.

I need more viewings before I decide where it stands to ROTJ.

For me ROTJ > TFA.

This movie could've easily been a disaster, an absolute disaster.

Instead...I got a very good SW movie tonight and even with it being better than TFA, Disney has now earned my full trust.

As more comes to mind I will post, for now just understand that the 3rd act is going to blow you away!

great write up jye!
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

This movie ****s all over force awakens
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Saw it and surprisingly enjoyed it.

I think it's about a 7/10

It ranks in my top 3 Star Wars films so far.

1. Empire
2. Star Wars
3. Rogue One
4. Return of the Jedi
5. Phantom Menace
6. Revenge of the Sith
7. The Force Awakens
8. Attack of the Clones

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Your list is spot on bro. Rogue one ****s all over force awakens. JJ Abrahms...pfft, what a joke
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

This movie ****s all over force awakens


The mouse went "dark" and it felt / looked really good. Grittiness of the film from both aspects Rebellion and Empire was a delight. It put the "Wars" in the movies. Knew I was going to enjoy the Empire and the movie didn't disappoint from Tarkin, Vader, Krennic....the surprise being how much I enjoyed the Rebel characters. I gave zero ****s about them going in and coming out I had a new perspective. The fan service was done really well and subtle.... Very happy with this attempt.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

You guys are really overestimating the amount of control disney has on lucasfilm which is basically none.

I deal with the local disney office here all the time for sw related events and everything has to go through lucasfilm. Basically disney had to get greenlight from lucasfilm for any sw related property. That was basically one of the condition when lucasfilm was sold to Disney.

I was surprised when I find out. Basically I was told that disney just provides the resources while lucasfilm do whatever they felt was best for the direction of SW.

It is the same approached with Marvel. There is a very hands off approach to things by disney.

So any gripes you guys have with the directions of sw now has to do with lucasfilm and not disney.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Ok, here goes....

Did their story need to be told, of course not it didn't and it also could've been told a million different ways.

But whatever, it's a new SW movie, i'm there, the OT era can't be alone forever.

I went into this spoiler free and this time it helped tremendously, seeing some scenes and cameos materialize absolutely floored me.

I was angry watching TFA opening night but I have since come to peace with it.

This movie created no anger in me, instead I watched a very Star Wars looking and feeling movie and that brought me great joy I have not felt since 1983.

If anything, the aliens and space battles in this really makes TFA pale in comparison.

This movie deserves the crawl, not TFA.

This is how I wanted to feel last year!

Ok, i'm going to jump all over the place here.

The first (slow) hour was its weakest, but not horrible either and the 3rd act more than made up for it.

Some non existent character building and some characters that were not even required.

Donnie Yen kicked ass but was his character really needed, funny line given to him though and his delivery of it was perfect.

Yeah the rebellion voting not to attack just to attack anyways later on felt forced just to create tension but you know what, whatever, it worked in the sense that it allowed for a great calvary fist pounding arrival excitement.

Unfortunately I didn't not think that the soundtrack was all that good.

Krennic was good, he looks amazing but I see some are saying he was a pushover bullied by Tarkin lol.

So here's the thing, maybe that's how it should be. I'm sure Disney had major discussions on if Krennic should be more evil and powerful than Tarkin or if he should be a pushover and I think they made the right decision keeping Tarkin the alpha Nazi. Even when Tarkin was giving praise to Krennic you just knew he was up to no good lol.

Krennic being taken out by a weapon that he said look beautiful while destroying a planet was truly proper justice done right.

Good job on Disney going dark with these character arcs, made Leia's hope comment all the more poignant.

Btw Tarking looked like Tarkin this time lol. Sorry Lucas your attempt failed.

Vader, while quirky in an way, was an absolute beast in that last scene, an absolute beast.

The WARS part was strong in this movie, brilliant for going there.

They all had to die, we all knew that going in but honestly it was still powerful seeing Jyn and her group being taken out, especially by a weapon her father created, killed his daughter..yikes..powerful stuff.

The aliens were absolutely fantastic in this, felt much more SW than TFA did. Great looking aliens and lots of them. Evazan's cameo had my jaw on the ground.

Gold leader's cameo floored me.

Leia's cameo absolutely knocked me out, mind = blown.

The X-Wing's were slowed down which is much more bad ass than their fast counter parts in TFA.

Yes I know some will hate seeing women in the squadron but what are you going to do, I didn't let it bother me.

Great call back to ROTJ with the Star Destroyer nose diving causing destruction.

Jesus H Christ seeing the rebel fleet coming in out of hyper drive just melted me lol.

I almost gave up on the non existent 3D until the 3rd act came in and made it very worthwhile, just gorgeous and I don't want to ever watch that 3rd act in non 3D!

Death Star was freaking gorgeous and menacing.

Vader's planet rocked!

Great heroic moments in this.

Planet destructions very well handled.

Rebellion was well handled, dirty and morally grey at times.

So in a way this is like ROTJ but does it have more or less weak parts than ROTJ is the question.

I need more viewings before I decide where it stands to ROTJ.

For me ROTJ > TFA.

This movie could've easily been a disaster, an absolute disaster.

Instead...I got a very good SW movie tonight and even with it being better than TFA, Disney has now earned my full trust.

As more comes to mind I will post, for now just understand that the 3rd act is going to blow you away!

Lucas had zero involvement. He got a tour of the set and was given a private screening. I disagree with you over Leia. Tarkin was near perfect, it was Leia that was distracting.