Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *SPOILERS*

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Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

It's mad he went back there to live given he thinks he killed his wife and was dismembered by his best mate there.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Well, he embraced the pain to master the power of dark side. So i can imagine he is "living" there to fuel his hate.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Seeing him in the Bacta tank and slaughtering the rebels was so surreal. I'll say it again.


I don't think I've processed it yet. From now on, I have this added info whenever I watch the OT. Like growing up, all those cool pieces of art from Shadows of the Empire and other comics watching him swing the saber like a golfclub, then you can see stiff David Prowse coming nowhere near that badassery in the films we had back then. Now we have it...

Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

I loved it. Thought it was up there with the best of Star Wars and was better than The Force Awakens, which I also loved.

I have to say, though, I felt really bad for Jyn Erso. I think she got the worst deal of any Star Wars character ever. She watches her mother die as a little kid, her father is taken from her for most of her life, she's raised by an extremist rebel guy and abandoned by him at a young age, she is reunited with her father just in time to see him get killed, and finally she gets vaporized by the Death Star.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

My daughter and i were pretty bored with the movie. I mean aside from the Vader bits, and a few other scenes nothing about the characters in RO got us excited. It's like i've seen a different film than some of you. I liked didn't love TFA, but it was a lot better than this, this i won't ever watch again except the Vader bits which i'll watch probably about 50 more times. :)

It's really not THAT good IMO.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

The last time I saw anything close to the original theatrical films were the special edition VHS back in the 90's, so I don't even remember Lucas changing the look of the Emperor.


Saw the original scene on YouTube :horror

He had a bad case of conjunctivitis it seems.

Get yourself a copy of the Harmy despecialised trilogy! :)
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Lucas had zero involvement. He got a tour of the set and was given a private screening. I disagree with you over Leia. Tarkin was near perfect, it was Leia that was distracting.


To me, Tarkin felt odd in his first scene but I warmed up to him as the movie progressed. The same would've happened with Leia if she had more than one shot of screen time, I'm sure.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

I loved it. Thought it was up there with the best of Star Wars and was better than The Force Awakens, which I also loved.

I have to say, though, I felt really bad for Jyn Erso. I think she got the worst deal of any Star Wars character ever. She watches her mother die as a little kid, her father is taken from her for most of her life, she's raised by an extremist rebel guy and abandoned by him at a young age, she is reunited with her father just in time to see him get killed, and finally she gets vaporized by the Death Star.

Good point...I hadn't thought of her plight. Damn worse than the typical Disney Princess in that she passes away as well :lol
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

The fanbase is going to idolize her more than most because she perished. It'd be cool if there was like a bronze statue of her in Episode 8 somewhere.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

As a sci-fi movie I would give it a strong 9/10. As a Star Wars movie I would give it a 6/10.
It didn't have that "thing". But it was great, the action, most of the VFX etc was just tremendous.
You could definitely tell that there were reshoots, especially compare to the older trailers, compare donnie taking down the stormtroopers on Jedha in the first trailer compared to what was in the movie, the original trailer was clunky and the action in the final version was jaw dropping. I guess that's why they got the action 2nd director involved. The amount of scenes which were missing from the trailers was pretty astounding, including my favourite Krennic walking through the water, cape flowing.
This missing scenes suggest a completely different narrative, rather than just alternate scenes, be interesting if we ever learn the original intent.

The movie certainly has pacing issues in the first half and some muddy narratives. But by the time the action begins in the second half all of that was forgotten. Some things just didn't work, Vader was weird looking, clunky. But it has the best Vader sequence ever put on screen, those type of contrasts make it difficult to review. Likewise the music at times it sounded rushed and workman like (and it was the poor guy only had weeks to compose it) but at certain times it was brilliant to hear some fresh sounds in there. Seriously looking forward to a second viewing, I have a feeling it will get better on multiple watches. The scale of the space scenes, the scope of everything is certainly going to challenge episode VIII. They made TFA look like a video game.
Happy Star Wars fan here! :rock
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

I can never watch that ROTS space opening again after what RO gave us.

Yeah, even tech wise the end of TFA looks pretty **** in comparison and that was only a couple of years ago.
I thought the same about the 3D, wasted mostly, but good in last act.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Ok, here goes....

Did their story need to be told, of course not it didn't and it also could've been told a million different ways.

But whatever, it's a new SW movie, i'm there, the OT era can't be alone forever.

I went into this spoiler free and this time it helped tremendously, seeing some scenes and cameos materialize absolutely floored me.

I was angry watching TFA opening night but I have since come to peace with it.

This movie created no anger in me, instead I watched a very Star Wars looking and feeling movie and that brought me great joy I have not felt since 1983.

If anything, the aliens and space battles in this really makes TFA pale in comparison.

This movie deserves the crawl, not TFA.

This is how I wanted to feel last year!

Ok, i'm going to jump all over the place here.

The first (slow) hour was its weakest, but not horrible either and the 3rd act more than made up for it.

Some non existent character building and some characters that were not even required.

Donnie Yen kicked ass but was his character really needed, funny line given to him though and his delivery of it was perfect.

Yeah the rebellion voting not to attack just to attack anyways later on felt forced just to create tension but you know what, whatever, it worked in the sense that it allowed for a great calvary fist pounding arrival excitement.

Unfortunately I didn't not think that the soundtrack was all that good.

Krennic was good, he looks amazing but I see some are saying he was a pushover bullied by Tarkin lol.

So here's the thing, maybe that's how it should be. I'm sure Disney had major discussions on if Krennic should be more evil and powerful than Tarkin or if he should be a pushover and I think they made the right decision keeping Tarkin the alpha Nazi. Even when Tarkin was giving praise to Krennic you just knew he was up to no good lol.

Krennic being taken out by a weapon that he said look beautiful while destroying a planet was truly proper justice done right.

Good job on Disney going dark with these character arcs, made Leia's hope comment all the more poignant.

Btw Tarking looked like Tarkin this time lol. Sorry Lucas your attempt failed.

Vader, while quirky in an way, was an absolute beast in that last scene, an absolute beast.

The WARS part was strong in this movie, brilliant for going there.

They all had to die, we all knew that going in but honestly it was still powerful seeing Jyn and her group being taken out, especially by a weapon her father created, killed his daughter..yikes..powerful stuff.

The aliens were absolutely fantastic in this, felt much more SW than TFA did. Great looking aliens and lots of them. Evazan's cameo had my jaw on the ground.

Gold leader's cameo floored me.

Leia's cameo absolutely knocked me out, mind = blown.

The X-Wing's were slowed down which is much more bad ass than their fast counter parts in TFA.

Yes I know some will hate seeing women in the squadron but what are you going to do, I didn't let it bother me.

Great call back to ROTJ with the Star Destroyer nose diving causing destruction.

Jesus H Christ seeing the rebel fleet coming in out of hyper drive just melted me lol.

I almost gave up on the non existent 3D until the 3rd act came in and made it very worthwhile, just gorgeous and I don't want to ever watch that 3rd act in non 3D!

Death Star was freaking gorgeous and menacing.

Vader's planet rocked!

Great heroic moments in this.

Planet destructions very well handled.

Rebellion was well handled, dirty and morally grey at times.

So in a way this is like ROTJ but does it have more or less weak parts than ROTJ is the question.

I need more viewings before I decide where it stands to ROTJ.

For me ROTJ > TFA.

This movie could've easily been a disaster, an absolute disaster.

Instead...I got a very good SW movie tonight and even with it being better than TFA, Disney has now earned my full trust.

As more comes to mind I will post, for now just understand that the 3rd act is going to blow you away!

Great review, agree with all of it.
I thought it was clunky and confused in places especially the first half, but the second half was so good that it doesn't really matter.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

At the end of the movie everyone was clapping and cheering lol.

I can totally respect someone walking out of this saying it was crap, none of it matches ANH, more forced shots of SW elements, story was a slog to sit thru and it ultimately served no purpose.

But last night I did a Rey and just let it flow all in lol.

It really was what I was looking for last December, a great SW action movie.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

I can totally respect someone walking out of this saying it was crap, none of it matches ANH, more forced shots of SW elements, story was a slog to sit thru and it ultimately served no purpose.

That's good because those will be pouring in soon enough. :lol

Personally I hope this sets the tone for future movies as I enjoyed the grittiness they attached to both the rebels and empire....more a gray color versus black n white.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

I just loved it... it was so diffferent from everything we saw from Star Wars so far.. and thats one of the main reason why I loved it so much !

Also the ending.. it was not typical !! ALL HEROES DIED !! ... and Vader nor Krennic killed off any of the heroes.. not Villain vs. Hero death fight !! LOVE IT!!!!

One big thing that left me feeling is.... that movie makes the Jedi and Sith so unique, special and important in the galaxy... you can really feel now substenstinal they are..

In this movie.. there are no jedis.. you cant see them.. you can people hear talk about the force.. but without any real attachment to what it really is or mean. Now you can understand even more why Luke is such a threat to the emperor !! Now you can really understand why its so important to hide luke and leia.. now you understand why he is "A new hope"

Disney.. yes.. you got this!!!! You have my trust and looking forward of many years of Star Wars to come !