Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *SPOILERS*

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Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Kinda surprised by the $150m this made (all the news reports are saying it's $100m less than TFA.) I really thought this was going to be closer to TFA, like at least over $200m. This is more in line with the first Hunger Games or Twilight a few years ago. Still massive - but this is SW so I want a $1B opening weekend.:lol

Everyone is kind of saying the expectations were lower because it's not a "mainline" story that doesn't have the likes of Han and Chewy (and Luke/Leia cameos) but this movie has the long-awaited return of the #1 movie villain Vader (and in actual action) and the Death Star, as well as being in the exact same era as ANH/OT (so all the cool OT stuff as it was in the OT, not TFA-esque tweaked versions) so in some ways - to me at least - as appealing as the mainline stories.

I also wonder how much of that $150m was repeat viewings? 1/3? 1/2? SW movies seem to trade heavily on people going back twice or three times over opening weekend.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

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Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Who's that and why?

Also, anyone know the significance of SW-0608? Star Wars June 8th?
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Kinda surprised by the $150m this made (all the news reports are saying it's $100m less than TFA.) I really thought this was going to be closer to TFA, like at least over $200m. This is more in line with the first Hunger Games or Twilight a few years ago. Still massive - but this is SW so I want a $1B opening weekend.:lol

Everyone is kind of saying the expectations were lower because it's not a "mainline" story that doesn't have the likes of Han and Chewy (and Luke/Leia cameos) but this movie has the long-awaited return of the #1 movie villain Vader (and in actual action) and the Death Star, as well as being in the exact same era as ANH/OT (so all the cool OT stuff as it was in the OT, not TFA-esque tweaked versions) so in some ways - to me at least - as appealing as the mainline stories.

I also wonder how much of that $150m was repeat viewings? 1/3? 1/2? SW movies seem to trade heavily on people going back twice or three times over opening weekend.

it's a disappointing figure to Disney I'm sure- this rings true just because it's a SW movie it's not pure gold. It will do well but fall way way short of TFA. I'm guessing $400 million domestic take at best. Next year's EP VIII will be a real test...
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Amazing how a 155 opening weekend can be viewed as a failure lol.

A weekend!

BvS made 10 million more opening weekend but it was the first time we saw WW and Batman with Superman and the trinity together, that's 3 firsts!

This is SW movie # 8!

BvS did not break 1B.

RO will.

Nuff said lol.

For a huge heavily promoted SW movie following up TFA? Darn sure it is a not a failure but a huge disappointment.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

With everyone arguing about Obi-Wan's aging in the OT from the PT, I think living on a planet with twin Suns really might prematurely age someone. Living in the desert is brutal for real. So just go with that logic. LOL

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Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

I haven't in all these years seen a movie that you actually "did" like :lol

Thats said, no i think your way off about Anakin/Vader. The Emperor corrupted and manipulated his mind the entire time. The Jedi warned Anakin of anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. So they knew because of what happened to him and his mother, he could become dangerous if he falls to the dark side and be corrupted by it. they saw the anger in him and they didn't want him to become a Jedi because they were afraid of him since he was so powerful.

Once Palpatine got hold of him he slowly brainwashed Anakin. A lot of Vader is just the Emperor corrupting his mind. He had no choice because his mind was brainwashed by the Emperor.

Same thing is happening to Kylo in TFA with Snoke corrupting Kylo's mind.

Eventually when we get to ROTJ, he finally was able to fight off the brainwashing. The final straw was seeing the Emperor almost kill his son.

Vader/Anakin was not free, he was a slave to the Emperor. Always was since they day he met Palpatine.

The argument Vader gave to Luke was join me, your father, and we can rule the galaxy. He was trying to corrupt Luke's mind. The more angry Luke became, the easier it would be to corrupt him mind. But Luke was able to hold him off.

thats one of the most powerful things of the Jedi and Sith, you can control peoples minds. The more powerful you are, the more control you have over people's minds. Palpatine was pretty much at the highest possible level, he was stronger than all of them, except for Luke by the end. And remember Luke asked Yoda is the dark side stronger. Yoda said" No, its quicker, easier, and more seductive". And that turned out to be true by the end of ROTJ. The Light Side won in the end.

I'm only going by what I saw in all the movies. The dark side doesn't make any sense, there are literally no incentives to joining Vader or the Emperor. So unless there is an explanation that the dark side takes your free will away, I'm going to call BS on all this. In Return of the Jedi, Vader had a choice the entire movie. He doesn't make it until his son his getting fried and close to death. He's a weak character, through and through. He's a puss that was weak long before 1999 which is what the original argument was about. It basically comes down to writing though, and Return of the Jedi has the worst writing of the original three by far.

With Episode II to Empire Strikes Back, atleast one could make the claim that Anakin/Vader was after unlimited power and just biding his time until he could overthrow Palpatine, but once Return of the Jedi comes around, that all goes out the window. He could have let Luke strike the Emperor down, but no, he defends his "master" and continues to try and turn Luke against him to the point where Luke would kill him and take his place. That's completely ****ed in the head. Your only argument is the dark side, which isn't an argument at all. Luke made choices throughout each movie and he never faltered. His motivations always made sense. He was always putting people before himself. Turning to the dark side would have just jeporatized his friends, so why would he suddenly "go Sith". It's stupid, the dark side doesn't make sense post 1980.
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Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

I thought it was great how Gallen named the Death Star file "Stardust" for his daughter. Accept for the fact that only his daughter would recognize it Any other rebel there would have been screwed. Maybe he could have given the password in the hologram message as well.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

it's a disappointing figure to Disney I'm sure- this rings true just because it's a SW movie it's not pure gold. It will do well but fall way way short of TFA. I'm guessing $400 million domestic take at best. Next year's EP VIII will be a real test...

It's weird to think of $150m in three days being a tad disappointing but hey, this is SW. :lol

Yeah, it seems they were looking for that $200m+ but this is not a very kid/family-friendly movie like TFA was. Heroes shoot people in the back in this one.

Yeah, EP VIII will be a test. The "return of SW!!" aspect has faded. It's just interesting that we're now in a SW era that has never existed before - a new SW every year for maybe a decade. It will certainly be a mjaor test.

You can kind of see that the OT threads in the ST/spin-offs will fade and so the nods to the OT - such a staple of SW movies since the 90's - will be kinda done (I mean we've now had our Han nostalgia, our Vader nostalgia, next up is our Luke nostalgia and young Han nostalgia...) It's an interesting question - is there a limit to the appeal of nostalgia?
Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

It's weird to think of $150m in three days being a tad disappointing but hey, this is SW. :lol

Yeah, it seems they were looking for that $200m+ but this is not a very kid/family-friendly movie like TFA was. Heroes shoot people in the back in this one.

Yeah, EP VIII will be a test. It's just interesting that we're now in a SW era that has never existed before - a new SW every year for maybe a decade. It will certainly be a mjaor test.

You can kind of see that the OT threads in the ST/spin-offs will fade and so the nods to the OT - such a staple of SW movies since the 90's - will be kinda done (I mean we've now had our Han nostalgia, our Vader nostalgia, next up is our Luke nostalgia and young Han nostalgia...) It's an interesting question - is there a limit to the appeal of nostalgia?

Yes there is and they will have to reinvent the wheel to sustain interest beyond the fanboys. That is the problem Marvel and DC are facing with every movie being just a little different, but safe, and all end the same with some damn energy beam shooting into the sky for the heroes to destroy or defend. LOL

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Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

It was a joke. :lol

You know saying he's really a kid, but looks like he's in his 20s/30s because he lived on Tatoonie.

There's so much Bistro mathematics in the PT I thought they might've accidentally screwed up for real. You can drive a truck (a big one) through the gaps in my PT knowledge.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Lets see where it ends up because the de-aging is supposed to be super expensive to do so if that is to continue this movie will need to perform.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

I felt a sense of scale and scope watching this. I didn't feel that with TFA or any of the prequels. It felt like a galaxy. And with these new characters being introduced, it was very cool to think Ob-Wan, Han, Luke and everyone else were out there.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Eh, thought it was boring until the ending battle. Didn't care for any of the rebels at all. Well maybe the K2 robot. Pretty much seemed like a copy of MCU Vision. White cape director guy was kewl.
Tarkin look pretty good for the most part. Job well done. Leia looked awful. The ending Vader segment was pretty kewl, but then a few days later in ANH you get the Vader vs Kenobi snoozfest. Where were these awesome feats???

Guess I just don't fangirl like the rest of the Star Wars peps.

7/10 right now. Prolly lower once I think about it.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Tarkin look pretty good for the most part. Job well done. Leia looked awful. The ending Vader segment was pretty kewl, but then a few days later in ANH you get the Vader vs Kenobi snoozfest. Where were these awesome feats???

Maybe Vader and Obi were moving so fast that it actually looked like slow motion like in the Matrix?
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Eh, thought it was boring until the ending battle. Didn't care for any of the rebels at all. Well maybe the K2 robot. Pretty much seemed like a copy of MCU Vision. White cape director guy was kewl.
Tarkin look pretty good for the most part. Job well done. Leia looked awful. The ending Vader segment was pretty kewl, but then a few days later in ANH you get the Vader vs Kenobi snoozfest. Where were these awesome feats???

Guess I just don't fangirl like the rest of the Star Wars peps.

7/10 right now. Prolly lower once I think about it.

Thought the same thing. The first half is a boring drag, doesn't pick up until the beach/imperial facility/space dog fight.

I liked when they lined up all the scientists and shot them though. I think that was midway, can't remember.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Most unexpected awesome moment for me was seeing those W-wings and hearing Gold Leader check in. Red Squadron too. It made me look for Wedge, Biggs and Porkins. Did I miss them?
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Nah, Biggs, Perkins and Wedge weren't there.