It's weird to think of $150m in three days being a tad disappointing but hey, this is SW.
Yeah, it seems they were looking for that $200m+ but this is not a very kid/family-friendly movie like TFA was. Heroes shoot people in the back in this one.
Yeah, EP VIII will be a test. The "return of SW!!" aspect has faded. It's just interesting that we're now in a SW era that has never existed before - a new SW every year for maybe a decade. It will certainly be a mjaor test.
You can kind of see that the OT threads in the ST/spin-offs will fade and so the nods to the OT - such a staple of SW movies since the 90's - will be kinda done (I mean we've now had our Han nostalgia, our Vader nostalgia, next up is our Luke nostalgia and young Han nostalgia...) It's an interesting question - is there a limit to the appeal of nostalgia?