Ugh. That diner scene in AOTC is the most clichéd and out-of-place element in the entire Star Wars canon.
Whatsa yousa sayin'?
Ugh. That diner scene in AOTC is the most clichéd and out-of-place element in the entire Star Wars canon.
Ugh. That diner scene in AOTC is the most clichéd and out-of-place element in the entire Star Wars canon.
I look past that movie tbh. I take bits and pieces from it and pieces from phantom of the menace to enjoy. Who am I though lol. My fav Star Wars film is rots. Just thought it was a good movie and loved the demise of the hero anakin. Idk. I'm a very strange Star Wars fan.
I did like Yoda coming in like a boss in the gunship and the arena fight
There's alotta good stuff in AOTC.
-Anakin on Tatooine
-All of Palpatine
-All of Dooku
-Obi-Wan on Kamino
-Mace vs Jango
-The Jedi Order on Geonosis
-Anakin and Obi-Wan in Coruscant
Its a movie that suffers from dialogue and line delivery more than anything. From a story perspective its good.
Its a movie that suffers from dialogue and line delivery more than anything. From a story perspective its good.
ftfy.But this is what happens when you try to stretch a one-movie idea into a franchise
One 3 hour film would've been enough to tell Luke's story.
AOTC never really knew what it needed to be.
In a more capable writer's hands.
Or an editor's hand. You could probably just take the 3 films as they exist, and just edit most of the unnecessary subplots and make it one film.
I disagree.
Or an editor's hand. You could probably just take the 3 films as they exist, and just edit most of the unnecessary subplots and make it one film.
It's already been done, there's a 3 hour PT film done by a fan, I've read it's good, I haven't seen it though.