On my first viewing I missed the fact that when Vader walked under the Rebel Trooper pinned to the ceiling with the Force that he sliced him in half with his saber!
My fav moment -- its so brutal yet totally underplayed.
On my first viewing I missed the fact that when Vader walked under the Rebel Trooper pinned to the ceiling with the Force that he sliced him in half with his saber!
The acting in this movie is really impressive, especially Mad Mikkelsen. "We call it the Death Star, and there's no better name for it" could have been such a cheesy line but he absolutely nails it.
The problem with PT hate is that 90% of it is bandwagoning.
Nah, it's because the PT is for the most part phenomenally poor.
PT bashing is a massive internet bandwagon that didn't exist ten years ago.
I watched all the prequels opening night. People cheered constantly throughout all of them. This "I hate the prequels" rhetoric is a product of contemporary internet bandwagoning (as is the "TFA is a remake of ANH and therefore sucks" crap and the "ROTJ was terrible" bollocks)..
PT bashing is a massive internet bandwagon that didn't exist ten years ago.
I watched all the prequels opening night. People cheered constantly throughout all of them. This "I hate the prequels" rhetoric is a product of contemporary internet bandwagoning (as is the "TFA is a remake of ANH and therefore sucks" crap and the "ROTJ was terrible" bollocks).
PT bashing is a massive internet bandwagon that didn't exist ten years ago.
I watched all the prequels opening night. People cheered constantly throughout all of them. This "I hate the prequels" rhetoric is a product of contemporary internet bandwagoning (as is the "TFA is a remake of ANH and therefore sucks" crap and the "ROTJ was terrible" bollocks).
The prequels are far from perfect but the opinion in question here is nonsense.
The internet is the Dark Side of The Force.
Well right now I don't care who /Lucas/ or who /Disney/ here, happy holidays everybody, this is a nice place to hang around and you're all bros.
I'm not drunk or anything btw.
No, the prequels could have been much better. I discount the prequels when I'm watching these movies and will never watch Jedi again. It just seemed to me to be a poor resolution to a film series at the time. The ewoks and a poor space battle pretty much killed it for me.
Then there's the hype that blinds people into thinking they just watched the greatest thing ever, but then in retrospect, they're more objective and see it for what it is.
Before TFA came out I said it was going to get great reviews and that people would call it the best SW film since ESB, but that in a few years, in retrospect, that opinion would change. I didn't anticipate for it to happen so fast to be honestBut it's slowly happening, because the film isn't great...just average, imo...well in a lot of people's opinion.
This...first part at least....
I do not think that TFA will every suffer the fall from grace that PT did. It is really not that bad of a film. Yup highly reminiscent of ANH but Disney had to play is safe with certain aspects. I think actually, it will be a film that will hold even more water after seeing the ext two. We should see it as a character introduction and set up film> its hard to appreciate individual films in a trilogy... without seeing them in context.
All the bitching about Kylo will be undone with we see him progress in the next films. What we will see is his tantrums, turn into full evil controlled rage mode. We are seeing a progression of evil with him. It what SHOULD have been done with Anakin...rather then just 2 quick scenes and suddenly he's progressed from saving people to killing children.
I really think they are going toward showing Kylo as mentally ill, perhaps the using the force does this to certain people...corrupts them mentally...