No, the prequels could have been much better. I discount the prequels when I'm watching these movies and will never watch Jedi again. It just seemed to me to be a poor resolution to a film series at the time. The ewoks and a poor space battle pretty much killed it for me.
McDiarmid is superb in the PT. He steals those movies.
Man that Obi v Vader ANH is at best completely cute when they take their little side-steps and stuffbut boy it's cringe too.
Yes, the PT cops too much flak for being CGI-heavy and doesn't get enough credit for advancing the technology. Same goes for Ep II being shot on digital.
All here in favor of inducting Rogue One into the "Not Embarrassed to call Star Wars" Hall of Fame say HELL YEAH!
Or just Ye if you like lol.
Absolutely hell yeah.
RO ends with Leia fleeing into space while Vader stands his ground.
ANH ends with Vader fleeing into space with Leia standing her ground.
It even accomplished the "poetry" that George himself failed to achieve.
Man Lovin'!!!Khev,
You have such an awesome gift of celebrating the movies you love by correlating their story themes, it is always uplifting reading your posts no matter what negativity gets thrown towards a movie that you loved.
This is why I get excited when I love a movie that you also loved, I just know that you're going to bring additional material which always makes the movie that much more fun to enjoy.
Khev Crush > Candy Crush