Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - $439,714,705
Captain America: Civil War - $408,084,349
Damn that was fast. Civil What?
Add Dory......Disney killed it in 2016
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story - $439,714,705
Captain America: Civil War - $408,084,349
Damn that was fast. Civil What?
Add Dory......Disney killed it in 2016
Gives me chills to think about the Death Star conference room scene in ANH; Tarkin sits in what was supposed to be Krennic's seat, and there's an empty seat (actually I think 2) during the meeting.
Yep, these two movies complement each nicely.
Yeah I guess it doesn't matter if RO beats Dory does it lol.
Yeah I guess it doesn't matter if RO beats Dory does it lol.
Death Star conference room scene in ANH; Tarkin sits in what was supposed to be Krennic's seat,
Wait -- how do you get that's Krennic's chair?
Tarkin's been with the project from the beginning -- he's clearly seen with the Emperor at the end of ROTS and he even says as much in RO (that the performance on Jedha is exactly what he promised the Emperor when he started the project). So why would Krennic ever get the big boy chair?
I think you're over-estimating Krennic's chances.
“There are [possible movies] that we have been talking a lot about,” Kennedy told EW. “But we are planning to sit down in January, since we will have had The Force Awakens released, now Rogue One, and we’ve finished shooting Episode VIII. We have enough information where we can step back a little bit and say, What are we doing? What do we feel is exciting? And what are some of the things we want to explore?”
That means it’s not certain that a new Saga trilogy will follow Episode IX. Nor will all the movies have to tie into already known stories.
“That’s a conversation going on right now, too,” Kennedy said. “I have to honestly tell you, could we [do nothing but standalones]? Sure. But I don’t know. We are looking at all of that.”
She continued.
“I think [the idea of new stories] is exciting for fans,” Kennedy adds. “It’s certainly exciting as a filmmaker, the notion that we can explore these stories that genuinely have a beginning, middle and an end, and don’t necessarily have to tie into something specific.”
Episode X just has such a great sound though.
It will come. In time.
Disney purchased all of Lucasfilm from George Lucas back in 2012 for more than $4 billion. While they have maintained respect publically for the creator of Star Wars, he has had little involvement in the new movies. At least as far as we know. It turns out that he actually had some influence on director Gareth Edwards and the upcoming Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.
Gareth Edwards recently spoke to Games Radar/Total Film about the upcoming Star Wars spinoff movie. George Lucas paid a little visit to the set and during that visit, the creator of a galaxy far far away saw some things that he liked, but weren't going to make it into the movie. The opinion of George Lucas changed that. Here is what Gareth Edwards had to say.
"Whatever [Lucas] liked was pretty much guaranteed to be in the film."
There was a particular item that George Lucas pointed out while looking at the design department. According to Gareth Edwards, it was "a helmet we loved but didn't know where to put it; there wasn't really an opportunity to use it." But when George Lucas walked past it and said "'That's cool, I like that,'" things changed. The helmet made it into the movie. Apparently, this happened with other things as well, since the director said anything he liked made it into Rogue One.
Even after George Lucas sold Lucasfilm to Disney, he still wanted to have some of his ideas included in the franchise. He reportedly commissioned a script for Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but Disney rejected it entirely in favor of what J.J. Abrams ultimately did. The last thing George Lucas did for the franchise was direct the three Star Wars prequels, which didn't make nearly as much at the box office as Star Wars: The Force Awakens and they surely weren't as well received. But Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is a technically a prequel, and George Lucas has made his mark on it.
George Lucas to direct Rogue One sequel!
As of Rogue One's first week in theaters, the film has grossed an impressive $420 million globally, $220 million of that being earned domestically. After such a profitable release and a plethora of positive reviews LucasFilm has tapped George Lucas to direct the Rogue One: A Star Wars Story sequel! Based on a screenplay written as well by Lucas and starring Hollywood favorites Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher, the sequel will introduce audiences to the iconic characters Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia and many more as they combat the tyrannical Empire.
The Rogue One sequel titled A New Hope will arrive in theaters on May 25th, 1977.
One thing, RO related, that is bugging my OCD:
Years ago when Sideshow released their Princess Leia figure it included the plans which she gave to R2. These plans had an Empire emblem on them. How did they get that? Was Sideshow just exercising some artistic discretion? Was there an actual prop from filming which Sideshow used?