Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *SPOILERS*

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Ren's parents? Really? Did you see TFA yet?

My 'slap' emoji is because of the constant fan-conspiracy nonsense where everyone in the galaxy is related. It gets silly. So it gets slapped.

Like sands through the hourglass, or something like that on this episode of...............
that mustafar artwork is nuts yeah? almost makes me wish we saw more of Vader's castle in RO.

Yeah, though honestly if I could change anything about the movie it would have been to add maybe a couple extra lines spelling out that Baze used to be a Guardian of the Whills along with Chirrut and to have had CG Tarkin and Leia somehow look as convincing as young RDJ in Civil War and Michael Douglas in Ant-Man. And that's it.
Yeah, though honestly if I could change anything about the movie it would have been to add maybe a couple extra lines spelling out that Baze used to be a Guardian of the Whills along with Chirrut and to have had CG Tarkin and Leia somehow look as convincing as young RDJ in Civil War and Michael Douglas in Ant-Man. And that's it.

agreed, since not one SW flick has touched on this, it would have been a nice throw in.

maybe we'll see more of them on Rebels? Speaking of which I need to really get caught up on that show.
Daniel Craig would make a good Boba Fett. In fact his Stormtrooper voice in TFA sounded a lot like Fett's original voice in ESB.

that's exactly what I thought when I found out it was him.

He'd make a great Fett.

Disney, do this already.
pretty dang good for not being an "episode".

I'll admit, RO is a better movie, but TFA was more re-watchable. I think I saw it in theaters 4-5 times, I've only seen RO once. (though it's because I've been really busy).

Am seeing it again sometime this week though.
10 times!?

Yep. I loved how they handled Han, Leia (even Luke) and I loved Rey, Kylo and BB-8 and having a 3D IMAX down the street I just couldn't get enough. That'll never happen again though.

I hear you about The Two Towers. I saw that one three times and then the EE the following year for four times total. FOTR I saw 7 times.
Yep. I loved how they handled Han, Leia (even Luke) and I loved Rey, Kylo and BB-8 and having a 3D IMAX down the street I just couldn't get enough. That'll never happen again though.

oh yeah, it's among my favorites of the SW too.


If I had an IMAX even remotely close to me I'd probably see it 5 more times too though. :lol
Just get to Tom Hardy to play him again.

almost had RO above TFA in that list, but switched it just cause it is a better movie tenfold.

-the characters in TFA really make it what it is, I'm beyond excited for 8.
Just get to Tom Hardy to play him again.

"It would be extremely painful."

"You're a big guy."

"FOR YOU!!!! Ha ha ha, you weren't expecting that response were you!"

I always think it's a bit silly when someone makes a partial statement that demands the other person to "set them up" for the remainder.

What if the CIA guy just shrugged at Bane's "extremely painful" line. Would he have grown impatient and said "And just so you know I meant painful for you..."

Or like in Matrix Revolutions when Sarif (the Oracle's guardian) says "Herro Neo, I'm afraid I must apologize," and then Neo says, "For what?" "For THIS" and then Sarif attacks Neo and they begin a sparring session.

But what if Neo didn't give him that exact answer?

"Herro Neo, I'm afraid I must apologize."

"Whatever it is don't worry about it."

"Grrrr, you screwed that up, hiya!" *begins attacking Neo anyway*

"Whoa, what the hell dude!?"