It works unless they need to show flashbacks of the OT cast with different folks portraying the characters then watch the **** hit the fan....

Ive said that years ago and i remember some of the guys here said a remake of the prequels wouldnt be possible because it would piss off everyone too much and that it would be too confusing. That it would mess up the storyline too much
Specially because force awakens and now rogue one were built with nods to the preques.
Prime Clone thanks for inspiring my new user title.![]()
I don't necessarily hate the prequels, I hate parts of them. But there is some potential there. I mean they are absolutely horrible, but from a story angle, they could have been decent. RO decent even, maybe.![]()
Go home Prime Clone.
TPM is the best prequel imo. It has more of a real world look to it than ROTS and far less cringe worthy moments than AOTC. And it also has the best lightsaber duel in all of Star Wars. In my opinion.
I know it has jar jar, but...
It will be interesting as a new generation grows up just how far the PT is left behind... or will it resurge?
If Disney has its way, it will fill the minds of young viewers with so much new stuff that the PT is no longer "half" the films, but only a measly 3 forgotten oldies against the 24 Disney films to come.
It will be interesting as a new generation grows up just how far the PT is left behind... or will it resurge?
I know ranking TPM last isn't popular around these parts, but there's a significant body of opinion to that effect. There are also a lot of people (myself included) who reckon ROTS is on a par with ROTJ.
OK, now I *really* should go home.
Sith and Jedi are about on par with each other. I wouldn't argue against that. Jedi's advantage is that it has the familiar faces of old friends, Jabba and such.
I'm an OT > PT guy, but I'd agree with that. Like DiFabio said though, familiar faces count for a lot.
Finally saw this. Loved it. Much better than TFA.
One of the things i loved the most was how even between rebels they didnt trust each other.
How some of the rebels became too extreme or radicalized.
I liked how they were suspicious of each other. Made it so much more real.
I liked how they were not just the good guys but they had their dark side as well.
Their complicated relationship was better than just the "good guys are good the bad guys are bad" that force awakens gave us.
The fact that some rebels were jerks was pretty interesting.
Did you see it unspoiled or did you already know that there was going to be a big space battle and that everyone would die.