Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *SPOILERS*

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Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

This all bodes well....

Anybody who has ever written or graded a BS college paper can recognize it when they see it. :lol

I was called out on it once in college. I went well overboard on one particular paragraph for whatever reason - 'try to resist the urge to use such highfalutin language' was the comment I received. I reread it and was forced to agree, it was absolute nonsense.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

...the wait till tomorrow night is unbearable
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

Is there a spoiler version of this thread for those who have seen it?
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Probably won't see it opening weekend anyway so

How does everyone die, why aren't the Death troopers part of the Death Star in ANH

Death Troopers are Krennics bodyguards basically, all die at the end of the movie, most taken out by Baze.

Jyn and Cassian die together on the beach in a shockwave after the Death Star fires on the Scarif base.

Irrut dies activating a important communications switch, Baze avenges him by slaugtering Death Troopers and is killed by a grenade having killed most(all) of them.

Bodhi dies in the blast that takes out the shuttle they arrive in. K-2SO is killed defending Jyn and Erso while they retrieve the DS plans, owning alot of Stormtroopers and going out in a blaze of glory sealing the door behind them.
Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

Tarkin scenes look awesome, I was a bit put off by them in the cinema but ANH was playing on the TV when I got home, and memory betrayed me, they really did well with this.

Alot of nods to other SW works. The Whills, Evazan and Ponda Baba are seen. Gold and Red Leader from ANH like noisetrigger said shows up in the last space battle, and it looks great. Leia at the end looks great aswell, good CGI.

I think I saw the Ghost from rebels in that last space battle aswell.

Vader is awesome, he kicks ass. I noticed the cod piece but I'm damaged from reading the R1 Vader thread. :lol

Felicity Jones steals the show, great acting. Great acting across the board really but she is excellent.

K-2SO a bit to much comedy but it works.

The first half hour is a bit slow though, but after that it's great.

And no opening crawl! Blasphemy! :lol
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

If the Death Star blasts anything in Rogue One... wouldn't that nullify Tarkin's threat to Leia: I have chosen to test this station's destructive power on your home planet of Alderaan.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

If the Death Star blasts anything in Rogue One... wouldn't that nullify Tarkin's threat to Leia: I have chosen to test this station's destructive power on your home planet of Alderaan.

I think it had different settings. Alderaan was probably the first planet it straight-up destroyed.

I imagine they weren't using 'planet-killer' to take out rebel cruisers in ROTJ, for instance.

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Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

I think it had different settings. Alderaan was probably the first planet it straight-up destroyed.

I imagine they weren't using 'planet-killer' to take out rebel cruisers in ROTJ, for instance.

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Just what I figured too.

Incidentally, RO is down to 83% on rottentomatoes. :panic:
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*


Incidentally, RO is down to 83% on rottentomatoes. :panic:

I'm not worried; I know I'll enjoy it as a piece of entertainment; as one does.

The last film I loved as an adult and found resonant was probably Lost in Translation. I've found plenty of other films since beautiful, fun, well-made, touching...

...but I'm not expecting Rogue One to serve up my childhood, plus nearly 40 years of accumulated pop-culture in one staggering work, that's simultaneously groundbreaking and personally resonant while channeling the OT. ;)

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Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

8,5 from me. Last 40 minutes are great.
Re: Rogue one: Spoilers confirmed! You are warned do no read these are real

The "original" Red 5 is destroyed making way for Luke. :)

And I know I must be mistaken but I'm sure I saw the Falcon at Yavin base.
Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*

the vader scene already leaked online :lol

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