Hmm the purple looks off and different on torso and legs in that last picture of Piccolo.
It's like that, although slightly less obvious in person.
Hmm the purple looks off and different on torso and legs in that last picture of Piccolo.
Hmm the purple looks off and different on torso and legs in that last picture of Piccolo.
I'm guessing we are going to see pretty much all the figures that are up in the Bluefin's poll. Just a matter of who goes first, I guess.
I'll bet we eventualy see Krillin, as they could simply do some minor changes to Gohan, and turn him into Krillin.
New head, new feet, and new shoulder thingys.
i also hope they continue the line and do most the characters you said about. But i dont think there are many of us that want those characters. Need normal goku for sure with kamehameha effect
i managed to find that Bluefin pole and... it kinda sucks. as usual eveyone wants vegeta and trunks because thats the order of succession as it should be - Goku , super saiyan Goku, Gohan, Piccolo, Vegeta , Trunks - fair enough, after that i get Cell and Freeza because with such badass posing ability on the figures there sould be something for them to fight!
its good to see Krillin at least make the list BUT why the hell isHercule / Mr. Satan, Great Saiyaman and even Master Roshi there??? WTF???
those three places should have been Tenshinhan, chaotzu and Yamcha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hope so
well i think thats just bad - because all Z soldiers kick ass!
and yes if Bandai dont give us normal goku with that awesome ki ball effect i wil consider it another 'F you' from Bandai!!
I'd honestly rather get the other Saiyans, like Raditz, Bardock, Freeza's henchmen, Brolly, different forms of Freezas and Cells, Freeza's dad and Cooler.
well each to their own and i respect your opinion but i dont agree, but ive never got the whole bardock and brolly obsession - they hardly appear at all. same for freezas dad and cooler, 2 episodes then he's dead and then another film character...
the core of DB is the Z soldiers and as such i think they deserve to be made before other abstract characters and variants of others characters.
Hmm the purple looks off and different on torso and legs in that last picture of Piccolo.
my piccolo is also like this. Legs look different colour of purple than torso.
Anyone else got same problem?
no worries bud
Well, for me its not actually about more screen appearances actually. Its down to character design, as well as the character itself. Bardock was unique in his on way, character wise, though he looks just like Goku, his character is the opposite of Goku.
Freeza's dad has a very natural, original and unique design IMO. Unlike the later villains like Maajin Boo which I think looks poor, design wise.
my piccolo is also like this. Legs look different colour of purple than torso.
Anyone else got same problem?
cool, i understand your point.
i just think for the SHF line it would make sense to bring out the main characters, and villains, as standard and then maybe do variants of freeza , cell and characters like Bardock etc. as web exclusives.
but weve yet to even get normal Gokuso who knows if we'll get any more
Mine doesnt have color differences. Now I know that theres no differences aside the sticker color, but mine is the Japanese edition. And some collectors believe that Japanese edition usually have tighter joints, and better quality wise. But I dont think this is true though.
I'd love Cell, Bardock etc as web exclusives, and I think thats the only way that they'll do them. As evidenced by the Rider series and their exclusives.
Dont think Bardock etc will sell too well if made as a normal edition figure anyways![]()
Mine doesnt have color differences. Now I know that theres no differences aside the sticker color, but mine is the Japanese edition. And some collectors believe that Japanese edition usually have tighter joints, and better quality wise. But I dont think this is true though.
I have the Japanese edition of Piccolo, and it's got that minor difference in colour. There's no difference between it and the Hong Kong edition other than the box having the "Dragon Ball Z" logo on the Hong Kong edition, because 'Kai' hasn't been dubbed over there.
Which I think was actually kind of cool that they paid attention to such a small detail.
The SDCC Goku does look kind cool. Wish I had taken up on the offer when my cousin in the States offered to get stuff from SDCC for me, but I was worried that it was going to have mini-irises in the mass produced stock like the Regular Ed. Goku.
The mini irises are just due to the paint job. They are essentially the same sculpt.
well obviously i wouldnt buy a bardock myself
and when you say japanese edition of piccolo do you mean as opposed to a hong kong edition??? if i did get a piccolo i think the colour difference would annoy me a bit.
I know, but it wasn't that way in the promo pictures for the regular release Goku. So the same thing could happen to the SDCC version until we got to see actual in-hand pictures of the figure.
Oh, I see what you mean.
I guess that means its okay for me to skip the regular Goku then. But what bout Gohan? I have him and I think he looks fine.
Lets hope theres no issues with Vegeta.